-bash: vi: command not found -bash: ls: command not found 首先这个错误是你在配各种环境变量输错内容导致的,例如配置hadoop、jdk、mysql的时候等等 (解决办法在最下) 1、在命令行中输入 vi ~/.bash_profile 进入到环境变量中; 看看是否冒号写成了分号。 2、vi /etc/profile 进入环境变量配置 看看各种的...
Baidu Apollo use: command " rosbag " not fonud https://github.com/ApolloAuto/apollo/issues/181 1、If using dev docker env, you need runapollo.sh buildonce to pull ros dependency. logout from docker anddocker/scripts/dev_into.shagain. It will setup the ROS env for you. 2、do you lo...
我正在运行一个Airflow DAG,其中一个操作符是BashOperator,它依赖于rosbag包才能运行。我在GCP的虚拟机中安装了airflow和rosbag,一切正常,但当我触发DAG时,它总是说rosbag: command not found有任何解决方法吗?我遵循了http://wiki.ros.org/Installation/Ubuntu中的所有说明 浏览63提问于2021-09-16得票数 0 6...
一般在我们使用usb_cam来启动相机时,如果没有校准过的话都会收到如下的警告,例如“[WARN] [1423194481.257752159]: Camera calibration file /home/xxx/.ros/camera_info/camera.yaml not found.”,对于"unknown control 'focus_auto'"的警告是由于启动的摄像头不具备自动对焦功能,如果启动的摄像头具备自动对焦功能的...
Note that this function will not work on already existing ‘rosbag’ files. More about this function can be found on this documentation page here: https://www.mathworks.com/help/ros/ref/rosbagwriter.html (2) Re-record Existing Bag Files: If the above does not work, consider...
matlab2020b update1/rosbag error How to Get Best Site Performance Select the China site (in Chinese or English) for best site performance. Other MathWorks country sites are not optimized for visits from your location.
Here,-s rosbag_v2tells rosbag2 to use the plugin to read rosbags (version 2) to query the bagfile. For old rosbags, the storage format must be added to the info call as rosbag does not have the necessary information to read the plugin otherwise. The command above should print some...
(command_parser, f'{cli_name} {name}') File "/home/kgk/src/romalorg/romalcpp/bazel-bin/romalcpp/examples/ros2/bag.runfiles/ros2_rosbag2/ros2bag/ros2bag/verb/info.py", line 24, in add_arguments add_standard_reader_args(parser) File "/home/kgk/src/romalorg/romalcpp/bazel-bin/...
(find adv_lecture)/rviz/move_robot1.rviz" /> <arg name="joy" default="false" /> <arg name="play" default="false" /> <param name="robot_description" command="$(find xacro)/xacro $(arg model) --inorder" /> <param name="use_gui" value="$(arg gui)"/> <node name="robot_...
command run before pressing CTRL+C. Start and End time: when you created the bag. Messages: number of total messages in this bag. Topic information: for each recorded topic, you’ll get the topic name, topic type (interface), and number of messages for this topic that were recorded and...