ERROR bag unindexed: 2021-6-23-0103all.bag. Run rosbag reindex.想强行播放一下:rosbag play xxx.bag,也不行,报错如下:[ INFO] [1624972506.447439941]: Opening 2021-6-23-0103all.bag [FATAL] [1624972506.448068825]: Error reading from file: wanted 4 bytes, read 0 bytes...
msg import Image from cv_bridge import CvBridge from cv_bridge import CvBridgeError # Reading bag filename from command line or roslaunch parameter. #import os #import sys rgb_path_left = '/home/user/dynamic_data/left/' rgb_path_right = '/home/user/dynamic_data/right/' #已经建立好的...
Here is an example of reading messages from a rosbag in node.js: const{ open } =require('rosbag');asyncfunctionlogMessagesFromFooBar(){// open a new bag at a given file location:constbag =awaitopen('../path/to/ros.bag');// read all messages from both the '/foo' and '/bar' ...
Bag reading commands can detect the storage plugin automatically, but if for any reason you want to force a specific plugin to read a bag, you can use the--storageoption on anyros2 bagverb. To write your own Rosbag2 storage implementation, refer toStorage Plugin Development ...
The reason for this error is the message is not serialized correctly on the topic and is corrupted, you can try re-recording the bag file with ROS 2 command line environment, see if "ros2 topic echo /novatel_bottom/bestpos" is successfull and then try reading the me...
Here is an example of reading messages from a rosbag in node.js: const{open}=require('rosbag');asyncfunctionlogMessagesFromFooBar(){// open a new bag at a given file location:constbag=awaitopen('../path/to/ros.bag');// read all messages from both the '/foo' and '/bar' topics...
I have followed the guide just one more time now with the same results - bag gets recorded and played back correctly but opening it in viewer or using rs-convert results in this /file-version error. Is there any way I could bypass this problem? I need to use Euclid only as a device...
msg, out.connection_header); } catch (const rosbag::BagException& ex) { ROS_ERROR_STREAM(ex.what()); exit_code_ = 1; break; } } // bag file关闭 stopWriting(); } 4.doWrite函数进行数据写入,doWrite内主要调用了writeMessageDataRecord函数,如下所示 void Bag::writeMessageDataRecord(uint...
fromcv_bridgeimportCvBridgeError # Reading bag filename from command line or roslaunch parameter. #import os #import sys camera0_path='/home/ubuntu/code/dataset/loop/cam0/data/' camera1_path='/home/ubuntu/code/dataset/loop/cam1/data/' ...
fromcv_bridgeimportCvBridgeError # Reading bag filename from command line or roslaunch parameter. #import os #import sys camera0_path='/home/ubuntu/code/dataset/loop/cam0/data/' camera1_path='/home/ubuntu/code/dataset/loop/cam1/data/' ...