如何从rosbag中提取pcd 4.1 bag_to_pcd Reads a bag file, saving all ROS point cloud messages on a specified topic as PCD files. 4.1.1 Usage $ rosrun pcl_ros bag_to_pcd<input_file.bag><topic><output_directory> Where: <input_file.bag> is the bag file name to read. <topic> is the...
编译通过,perfect! 接下来修改frame id,将你所要的修改frame id的rosbag文件copy到bag_tools/dataset中, 执行 ./scripts/change_frame_id.py -o ./dataset/subsetcopy01.bag -i ./dataset/subset01.bag -f /openni_rgb_optical_frame -t /camera/color/image_raw /camera/aligned_depth_to_color/image_r...
[](../howto/how_to_add_a_new_control_algorithm.md) # How to Add a New Control Algorithm ## Create a Controller ## Add a New Controller Configuration to the control_config File ## Register the New Controller --- [](../howto/how_to_add_a_new_evaluator_in_prediction_module_cn.md...
If you go to the link below, a playback script can be found under the 'Playing from file' heading, directly above the point on the page that the link jumps to. Scroll the page up a little to find it. https://github.com/IntelRealSense/librealsense/...
You would need to select the topic that correspond to the sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 message in .bag file. Use rosReadXYZ (and rosReadRGB if you also want the color of the point cloud) from each of those ROS messages. Use pointCloud to create pointCloud objects in MATLAB. Save t...
I am attempting to convert the RGB-D .bag file (recorded using the RealSense Viewer tool) to a sequence of RGB/D .png files. However, when I try to cmake the built-in conversion tool, I get the error: CMake Error at CmakeLists.txt:28 (install): \tinstall TARGETS given no RUNTI...
README License Security MATLAB® and Simulink® ROS™ Tutorials This is a set of interactive online tutorials teaching the basics of using ROS (Robot Operating System) to develop and program robots. Open these tutorials in either MATLAB or MATLAB Online to learn more about ROS, and get ha...
13-2 Read Data Block: Play back data from a rosbag logfile in Simulink . . . . 13-2 Inverse Kinematics Block: Calculate joint configurations for a desired end-effector pose in Simulink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-2 ...
file", the result must [...] oapdf.com 注:如果你将例中“document.Add(new Paragraph("Hello World"));”中的字符串“Hello Word” 换成中文,如“这是我的第一个PDF文件”,产生的结果一定让你大失所望,因为生成的PDF文件中并没有将 中文显示出来,不要担心,在第9章中要专门讲解字体问题,中文显示...
Hello ROS Developers! In today’s tutorial we are goinglearn how to create a ROS Action specification file, how to compile ROS Action messages and how to import them. You can run the commands used along the video in your own computer if you have ROS installed, but you can also useRobot...