FridaySorrowful Mysteriesare prayed today28February Good evening! Mystic Monk Coffee Catholic Company Fatima Message Get your FREE Pocket Rosary Booklets here! NEW! Available in Spanish! Rosary For Priests Subscribe to Everyday Rosary Newsletter Your First Name Your E-mail Address We keep ...
Tuesday or Friday Rosary, click Me! Wednesday or Sunday Rosary, click Me! Thursday Rosary, click Me! •🙏 pray with your Rosary beads or use your fingers 🤲 to count. •Play the 'Ave Maris Stella' music below while praying. •Read every word below to fulfill a Rosary to Mary....
Today's Liturgical Prayers March 2nd, Anno Domini 2025, week 8 of Ordinary Time: In the Liturgy of the Hours we are on the prayers for Sunday, Psalter Week 4. Today's rosary prayers are the Joyful Mysteries, and today's Mass readings areSir 27:5-8;Ps 92:1-16;1 Cor 15:54-58;Ph...
are prayed today 27 February Good evening! Mystic Monk Coffee Catholic Company Fatima Message Get yourFREEPocket Rosary Booklets here! NEW!Available in Spanish! Rosary For Priests Subscribe to Everyday Rosary Newsletter Your First Name Your E-mail Address ...
On Tuesday and Friday, it is conventional to meditate on the Sorrowful rosary mysteries. These begin with Jesus’ experiences in the Garden of Gethsemane, where His apostles fell asleep when asked to pray, and Jesus said the words “Father, let this cup pass from me, nevertheless, not my ...
Sun, 23:04: RT @sfreligh: My mother would have been 100 years old today. She used to read to us. (tell me tell me tell me) Friday, April 21st, 2023 12:00 pm - My tweets Thu, 13:30: RT @LouisatheLast: Okay since there has been A Lot the ...
or Luminous Mysteries. According to his suggestion, if you can only pray one mystery a day, the four sets of mysteries might be prayed on the following days: the Joyful Mysteries on Monday and Saturday, the Sorrowful Mysteries on Tuesday and Friday, the Glorious Mysteries on Wednesday...
JOIN TODAY Mission Statement Our Lady of the Rosary School Inc is an international Catholic homeschool organization which offers complete curriculums for students from grades pre-kindergarten through twelve. Our Lady of the Rosary School Inc is more than simply a school, however. We are an apostol...
***This is a photo of Brother Joseph and Fr Xavier, taken on Friday 9 September. At the time, Fr was reluctant for me to release the photo to the larger group but he has since been on video, so I think he wouldn't mind now. Brother Joseph has been caring for Fr during Fr's ...
Friday - Sorrowful Saturday - Joyful Sunday - Glorious 7. How to "Offer Intentions"Practically everyone who prays the Rosary "offers" it to God and Our Lady for an intention (also known as a "petition"). This means one can ask God to grant a favor, heal a sick person, or convert a...