with a particular focus on Sunday observance. He explains that while the Jewish Sabbath is on Saturday, Christians, including Catholics, observe Sunday as a special day because it is the day Jesus rose from the dead. He also addresses common objections and misunderstandings...
The cycle of the Rosary follows the rhythm of the liturgical year observed by the Catholic Church. Below is a simple table of Rosary mysteries and days the Rosary is prayed during ordinary time: Sunday - Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary Monday - Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary Tuesday -...
Wednesday or Sunday Rosary, click Me! Thursday Rosary, click Me! •🙏 pray with your Rosary beads or use your fingers 🤲 to count. •Play the 'Ave Maris Stella' music below while praying. •Read every word below to fulfill a Rosary to Mary. •Click on pictures to magnify if...
Sunday mornings. He took leave and accompanied his wife to church. She questioned all the planes flying overhead and he explained that there must be a dignitary visiting Pearl Harbor. Once they were seated in church, the priest announced that Pearl Harbor was ...
are prayed today 27 February Good evening! Mystic Monk Coffee Catholic Company Fatima Message Get yourFREEPocket Rosary Booklets here! NEW!Available in Spanish! Rosary For Priests Subscribe to Everyday Rosary Newsletter Your First Name Your E-mail Address ...
King Syndicate - Premier Sunday - August 23, 2015 King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - June 27, 2015 LA Times - December 26, 2014 LA Times - December 14, 2014 LA Times - August 21, 2014 Seen a clue for the answerrosarythat we don't have? Then pleasesubmit itto us so we can make th...
Canonized: Sunday, September 14, 1975 in St. Peter’s Square by Pope Paul VI. (She was the first citizen born in the United States to be given the title of “Saint.) *KATHARINE DREXEL* (Pennsylvania) (Birth: November 26, 1858 + Death: March 3, 1955) - Feast Day: March 3 ...
Manila Archbishop Jaime Cardinal Sin yesterday urged the faithful to support the Catholic Church's campaign for peace through the Rosary, specifically by joining the Rosary for Peace Telethon scheduled today from 10 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. tomorrow, Sunday. The telethon or telephone drive aims to...
Today, “the great movement of apostasy being organized in every country for the establishment of a One-World Church which shall have neither dogmas, nor hierarchy, neither discipline for the mind, nor curb for the passions, and which, under the pretext of freedom and human dignity, would bri...
Novenas originated in imitation of the Apostles who were gathered together in prayer for nine days from the time of Our Lord’s Ascension (to Heaven) until Pentecost Sunday (the descent of the Holy Spirit). This practice of saying the Rosary nine times in the form of the Rosary Novena in...