Thursday Rosary, click Me! •🙏 pray with your Rosary beads or use your fingers 🤲 to count. •Play the 'Ave Maris Stella' music below while praying. •Read every word below to fulfill a Rosary to Mary. •Click on pictures to magnify if needed. 🎼 Let's start Monday or ...
There are also different times of the year during church seasons such as Lent and Advent that have a slightly different order to pray the Rosary. This page will help you determine which mysteries of the rosary for which days they are prayed upon. The cycle of the Rosary follows the rhythm...
33 、To say a decade of the Rosary for the pour souls───为那些是失意的灵魂念无数遍玫瑰经 34 、A vigil service and rosary are scheduled for Wednesday night, with a funeral Mass on Thursday.───星期三晚上会有守灵和诵经的活动,葬礼在星期四举行. 35 、one of the15 incidents from the...
Thursday Luminous Mysteries are prayed today 27 February Good evening! Mystic Monk Coffee Catholic Company Fatima Message Get yourFREEPocket Rosary Booklets here! NEW!Available in Spanish! Rosary For Priests Subscribe to Everyday Rosary Newsletter ...
Today's Liturgical Prayers February 6th, Anno Domini 2025, week 4 of Ordinary Time: In the Liturgy of the Hours we are on the prayers for Thursday, Psalter Week 4. Memorial of Paul Miki and companions, martyrs. Today's rosary prayers are the Luminous Mysteries, and today's Mass readings...
On Thursday, it has become conventional to make use of the suggestion of Saint Pope John-Paul II, who was Pope before Benedict XVI (the Pope before our current Pope, holy father Pope Francis, head of the Church on earth, current. That suggestion is that those who pray using the rosary,...
Thanks to @joedecker for retweeting. (tell me tell me tell me) Thursday, March 30th, 2023 2:18 am - My tweets Wed, 05:28: RT @brigidkeely: Friends, my 14 year old tried to kill themself on Saturday, waiting until my husband & I left to run ...
Operation Hours Sunday: Closed Monday: 8:30 - 2:30 Tuesday: 8:30 - 2:30 Wednesday: 8:30 - 2:30 Thursday: 8:30 - 2:30 Friday: 8:30 - 2:30 Saturday: Closed CopyrightOur Lady of the Rosary School Inc..All Rights Reserved.
To repair and restore the Church in the world: pray a Rosary (5 decades) each day for one of the five great Sees lost to Islam so long ago: Monday for Constantinople, Tuesday for Antioch, Wednesday for Jerusalem, Thursday for Alexandria, and Friday for Carthage. For their liberty and the...
Please continue to pray for Fr. Xavier. Best regards Vivian Yan Update September 15 2011 Looks like Fr. Xavier has improved and is ready to be discharged. The last two communications in regards the health of Fr. Xavier have not been very positive, but I am happy to write today that when...