Actually I can live without that service for now, but just realized that also the /gazebo/model_states topic is also missing. That's a higher priority IMO. We're trying to use gazebo for testing and need to get the model state to know if the robot has arrived at the goal pose. ...
ros2 node listnot showing when settingROS_LOCALHOST_ONLY.ZhenshengLee/ros2_jetson#10 all ros2cli depends on rclpy, may using rclcpp would be a workaround way to bypass this issue? does this issue being resolved in the future release of ros2, like galactic or humble?
created 1to2 bridge for topic '/tf' with ROS 1 type 'tf2_msgs/TFMessage' and ROS 2 type 'tf2_msgs/msg/TFMessage' created 1to2 bridge for topic '/tf_static' with ROS 1 type 'tf2_msgs/TFMessage' and ROS 2 type 'tf2_msgs/msg/TFMessage' created 1to2 bridge for topic '/wrist_...
list Output a list of available topics pub Publish a message to a topic Call `ros2 topic -h` for more detailed usage. relaybot@relaybot-desktop:~$ ros2 topic list /parameter_events relaybot@relaybot-desktop:~$ ros2 node list ros_bridge relaybot@relaybot-desktop:~$ relaybot@relaybot-...
Wrench messages are may not be displayed properly in Rviz as NaN values are not handled in Rviz and FTS Broadcaster may send NaN values. Commanding the robot: see the commands below. Accessing Wrench data from 2D FTS: ros2 topic echo /fts_broadcaster/wrench Example 4: "Industrial Robots ...
relaybot@relaybot-desktop:~$ rostopic list/rosout/rosout_agg/turtle1/cmd_vel/turtle1/color_sensor/turtle1/pose 代码语言:javascript 复制 $ ros2 run ros1_bridge dynamic_bridge Created2to1bridgeforservice/clear Created2to1bridgeforservice/reset ...
$ rostopic list To control the motion of the robot we can use the keyboard_teleop to publish motion commands using the keyboard. Use the following command in Shell$ rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard Now we can make the robot navigate with keyboard keys. This finishes the...
Overall reception at the training event was quite positive, with a lot of interest to closely monitor the ongoing ROS2 development and see when the best time to start focusing on ROS2 will be. We expect that ROS2 training will continue to be a core topic, and plan to continue developing...
SwRI hosted a session for ROS-Industrial training onsite in San Antonio on October 8-10. Of special interest was anintroduction to ROS2 as a new advanced topic.This was the first inclusion of ROS2 material at a ROS-Industrial Americas training event and drew significant interest, with over ...
relaybot@relaybot-desktop:~$ rostopic list /rosout /rosout_agg /turtle1/cmd_vel /turtle1/color_sensor /turtle1/pose $ ros2 run ros1_bridge dynamic_bridge Created 2 to 1 bridge for service /clear Created 2 to 1 bridge for service /reset ...