ros2 topic echo /topic_name --filter "" 指定一个 Python 表达式用于过滤消息。表达式中的m代表接收到的消息对象,只有当表达式返回True时,消息才会显示。 例如ros2 topic echo /sensor_data --filter "m.temperature > 30" 打印的符合表达式结果的部分 2. 例如ros2 topic echo /imu_test --field linear_a...
由于我们知道/teolep_turtle通过/turtle1/cmd_vel主题向/turtlesim发布数据,因此让我们使用echo来反思该主题: ros2 topic echo /turtle1/cmd_vel 1. 现在,回到 rqt_graph and 取消选择 theDebugbox. /_ros2cll_29047是由我们刚刚运行的echo创建的节点(数字会改变)。现在,您可以看到发布者正在通过cmd_vel主题发...
Issue details ros2 topic echo /mavros/mavros/raw/fix will echo NavSatFix. But, the following sample code cannot sub data. # refer:
rostopic pub [topic] [msg_type] [args] # 发布rostopic osmsg show <type> # 查看topic数据的具体格式 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 以/turtlesim节点发布的topic:/turtle1/cmd_vel举例指令使用结果如下: sz-0203014018:~$ rostopic echo /turtle1/cmd_vel linear: x: 2.0 y: 0.0 z: 0.0 angular: x: 0....
Creating a subscription causes CPU to hit 100%. Occasionally a message will make it through successfully, but mostly I get "A message was lost!!!" warnings. This happens with both ros2 topic echo and C++ subscribers. I am playing data from an MCAP bag, but Cyclone DDS does not exhibit...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于ros2 topic echo的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及ros2 topic echo问答内容。更多ros2 topic echo相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
$ ros2 bag record -a 1. 1.2 ros2 bag info 命令功能:查看主题数据记录文件信息 命令格式:ros2 bag info <file_dir_name> 我们可以用之前的3各记录命令生成的数据文件来测试: 1.3 ros2 bag play 命令功能:回放记录下来的主题数据,可通过ros2 topic echo查看回放数据,也可以通过rqt工具查看 ...
support QoS Depth and History via ros2 topic pub/echo. … f5c94dc fujitatomoya mentioned this pull request on Jun 9, 2020 [ros2 topic echo] does not echo a published message by [ros2 topic pub] if joining late, even with --qos-durability=transient_local #523 Closed keep depth ...
ros2 topic echo /mavros/global_position/rel_alt And the command to set the stream rate does not respond/return: ros2 service call /mavros/set_stream_rate mavros_msgs/srv/StreamRate "{stream_id: 0, message_rate: 30, on_off: true}" I'm not sure what else I can try Contributor Mark...
ros2 topic ros2 topic echo <topic_name> ros2 topic list ros2 topic -h # ros2 topic help ros2 parameter ros2 param list ros2 param set node_name Parameter value ros2 param set catographer_node use_sim_time true # set the use_sim_time param to be true ros2 param -h # ros2 ...