zed-ros2-interfaces contains the definitions of the custom topics and custom services. It also contains the meshes for the 3D visualization of the camera models with RVIZ 2. It is very important to use the option --recurse-submodules while cloning the repository to retrieve also the latest ...
(09) zenoh::net::routing::dispatcher::resource: Register resource @/liveliness/@ros2_lv/1/95ef865fe38fafdf35b2ec674881b4/0/11/MP/%/%/test_node/%test_topic/std_msgs::msg::dds_::String_/RIHS01_df668c740482bbd48fb39d76a70dfd4bd59db1288021743503259e948f6b1a18/1:1:1,10:9223372036,...
auto sub = nodePtr_->create_subscription<my_messages::msg::MsgType>("/topic", rclcpp::QoS(1).reliability(RMW_QOS_POLICY_RELIABILITY_RELIABLE).durability(RMW_QOS_POLICY_DURABILITY_TRANSIENT_LOCAL), [](const std::shared_ptr<my_messages::msg::MsgType>) {}); I always get ONLY the first ...
curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ros/rosdistro/master/ros.asc | sudo apt-key add - sudo sh -c ‘echo “deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture)] http://packages.ros.org/ros2/ubuntu $(lsb_release -cs) main” > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros2-latest.list’ If you execute...
Getting Texty:
这里以官方ros2 humble 教程Creating custom msg and srv files为出发点。 一个msg定义在tutorial_interfaces/msg/Num.msg中。这个文件会先通过tutorial_interfaces/CMakeLists.txt 中的rosidl_generate_interfaces规则转换对应的一系列头文件。所生成的头文件可以在编译之后在路径 <ros_ws>/install/tutorial_interfaces/...
学时分配:2学时 教学内容:详细讲解 ROS Indigo PC安装过程,介绍ROS在虚拟机以及嵌入式系统的安装资料。 具体如下: 1 Getting Started with ROS Indigo Welcome to the first chapter of this book where you will learn how to install ROS, the new standard software framework in robotics. This book is an...
学时分配:2学时 教学内容:详细讲解 ROS Indigo PC安装过程,介绍ROS在虚拟机以及嵌入式系统的安装资料。 具体如下: 1 Getting Started with ROS Indigo Welcome to the first chapter of this book where you will learn how to install ROS, the new standard software framework in robotics. This book is an...
You can share database objects for both reads and writes across different Amazon Redshift clusters or Amazon Redshift Serverless workgroups within the same AWS account, across accounts, and across regions. The procedures in this topic show how to set up
--image=registry.redhat.io/amq-streams/kafka-35-rhel8:2.5.2 \ --rm=true \ --restart=never \ -- bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh \ --bootstrap-server my-cluster-kafka-bootstrap:9092 \ --topic my-topic \ --from-beginning the consumer consume...