要实现上图效果,我们需要自己编写节点,取代joint_state_publisher发送关节位姿给robot_state_pubsher,robot_state_publisher发送tf控制机器人的关节转动。 1.新建节点 2.创建发布者 3.编写发布逻辑 4.编译测试 1.新建节点 方便起见,我们就在fishbot_describle包中新建节点(参考李四节点代码) cd fishbot_ws touch fishb...
然后是robot_state_publisher和rviz2这两个节点,rviz2是可视化工具,而robot_state_publisher是向rviz2发布机器人的模型,当然如果您不需要可视化,这两个节点也不需要开启,但是我们实验就是要看到效果嘛。 robot_state_pub_node=Node(package="robot_state_publisher",executable="robot_state_publisher",output="both",...
Use the rclpy API to write ROS 2 programs in Python. 使用机器人状态发布者发布联合状态和TF。Use the robot state publisher to publish joint states and TF. 使用DDS-Security。Use DDS-Security. 记录和记录器配置。Logging and logger configuration. 示例Examples Python和C ++最小的例子。Python and C++...
ROS2与URDF入门教程-在robot_state_publisher 中使用URDF说明: 介绍如何在 URDF 中建模的步行机器人并在 Rviz 中查看 步骤: 创建包 mkdir -p ~/dev_ws/src # change as needed cd ~/dev_ws/src ros2 pkg create urdf_tutorial --build-type ament_python --dependencies rclpy cd urdf_tutorial 创建...
ROS2でxacroを展開してurdfを生成、robot_state_publisherでtfを出力する流れに関するドキュメントを探したのですが、なかなか参考になる情報が出てこなかったので備忘録を残しておきます。 xacro,urdf,robot_state_publisherとは? まずURDFは、ROSにおけるロボットの幾何構造を記述するフォーマットで...
Allows you to publish the state of a robot (i.e the position of its base and all joints) via the "tf" transform library - robot_state_publisher/src/robot_state_publisher.cpp at ros2 · ros/robot_state_publisher
控制转向: /Plugins -> Robot Tools -> Robot Steering 服务调用: /Plugins -> Services -> Service Caller 服务类型浏览器: Plugins -> Services -> Service Type Browser 消息发布: Plugins -> Topics -> Message Publisher 消息类型浏览器: Plugins -> Topics -> Message Type Browser ...
Use the robot state publisher to publish joint states and TF Use DDS-Security Logging and logger configuration ROS 2 Examples Python and C++ minimal examples --- ROS 2 Bouncy Bolson (codename 'bouncy'; June 2018) Welcome to the latest release of ROS 2 software namedBouncy Bolson! Supported...
通过robot_description话题来添加。在launch文件中使用robot_state_publisher节点读取urdf文件,发布robot_description话题。然后用spawn_entity.py脚本接收robot_description话题来生成一个机器人模型。 代码语言:python 代码运行次数:0 复制Cloud Studio 代码运行 # Subscribe to the joint states of the robot, and publish...