Still could not see nodes and topics started as sudo through the discovery server EduPonz commented Feb 16, 2022 Hi @tiany44 , When you say you cannot see the topics/nodes, do you mean using ros2 topic list and ros2 node list? Could you please provide the steps you're taking to ...
ros2 run rqt_topic rqt_topic Note: for default interval you will see message frequency ~2Hz if you change interval to 0.2 the message frequency will change to 6Hz To run JTOP services: You will need to keep running ros2_jetson_stats ; as shown in step 1. A. Change Power Model:...
<launch> <arg name="rviz_config_path" default="$(find package_name)/launch/rviz2_config/config_test02.rviz" /> <node pkg="package_name" exec="test_02" name="test_02" output="screen"> </node> <node pkg="rviz2" exec="rviz2" name="rviz2" output="screen" args="-d $(arg rvi...
If the system load on a single computer exceeds a certain threshold an orchestration entity can trigger the following steps: pause all nodes through the life cycle interface, shutdown a specific node, spawning the node on a separate machine and passing the same configuration / parameters, and on...
Therefore, as long as the intruder node is able to join the communication domain where the target is located, it is able to steal the information of the target topic. Then, the intruder can steal the data like the ROS2 network structure, and may carry out further intrusion into the ROS2...
The topic we are really interested in this one:/wrist_rgbd/depth/points Let’s open rviz2 in afourth terminalso that we can understand things better by visualizing data like the depth information of the camera: rviz2 Rviz is a graphical tool, so, in order to see it, you have to click...
Another useful new rosbag feature new in ROS 2 Foxy is ability to compress and decompress bag files while recording and playing data. This can save disk space and bandwidth, both of which are in limited supply on robot systems. Similarly, ‘ros2 node –verbose’ and ‘ros2 topic –verbose...
Verify that this ROS 2 node publishes data on the ROS 2 topic,/cmd_vel, to control the motion of simulated robot. ros2('topic','list') If you cannot see the expected node and topic, try to setROS_DOMAIN_IDusing thesetenvcommand in MATLAB Command Window. ...
<launch><node pkg="robot_localization" type="ekf_localization_node" name="ekf_se" clear_params="true"><rosparam command="load" file="$(find robot_localization)/params/ekf_template.yaml" /><!-- Placeholder for output topic remappingYou either remap on this node, the node that takes ...
So, you can start a node and modify its name. But now it could be nice to be able to see what’s going on in the ROS2 graph.ros2 node list will give you the list of all the nodes you’ve launched in the same graph/network....