最近在跟着古月居的ROS教学视频学习,在做机器人仿真运行launch文件的时候出现了如下报错 ERROR: cannot launch node of type [robot_state_publisher/state_publisher]: Cannot locate node of type [state_publisher] in package [robot_state_publisher]. Make sure file exists in package path and permission is ...
4、 启动launch文件后出现cannot launch node of type : [***] Cannot locate node of type [***] in package [***]. Make sure file exists in package path and permission is set to executable(chmod +x) 出现该报错原因,一般是launch文件中node标签出现错误,系统无法在该功能包下找到该节点,大部分...
ROS 运行Python程序报错:ERROR: cannot launch node of type [teleop/teleop_key]: can't locate node [teleop_key] in package [teleop] 解决方法:把py文件属性设置为可执行。
4、 启动launch文件后出现cannot launch node of type : [***] Cannot locate node of type [***] in package [***]. Make sure file exists in package path and permission is set to executable(chmod +x) 出现该报错原因,一般是launch文件中node标签出现错误,系统无法在该功能包下找到该节点,大部分...
ERROR: cannot launch node of type [map_server/map_server]: can't locate node [map_server] in package [map_server] 从故障描述来看是在包Map_server中无法找到map_server节点。于是动手开始排查问题。 2 Error排查 检查launch文件关于map_server的部分,没有发现问题。截图如下: ...
最近学习ros出现这个问题 ERROR: cannot launch node of type [robot_state_publisher/state_publisher]: Cannot locate node of type [state_publisher] in package [robot_state_publisher]. Make sure file exi…
Cannot locate node of type [lcm_ros_node] in package [deepstream_ros_bridge]. Make sure file exists,错误提示:lcm_ros_node这个node在deepstream_ros_bridge找不到,我们应该仔细检查cmakeLists文件,有可能使用launch文件启动时将节点程序的名称打错了,和cmakeLis
4、 启动launch文件后出现cannot launch node of type : [*] Cannot locate node of type [*] in package [**]. Make sure file exists in package path and permission is set to executable(chmod +x) 出现该报错原因,一般是launch文件中node标签出现错误,系统无法在该功能包下找到该节点,大部分错误原因...
执行roscore,ERROR: cannot launch node of type [rosout/rosout]: can‘t locate node [rosout] in package [rosout], 解决方法 source devel_isolated/setup.bash, 这种方法不可以的话,直接到切到目录下 build_rsolated/rosout, 执行 sudo chmod -R 777 ./ 可解决 ...
ERROR: cannot launch node of type [joint_state_publisher/joint_state_publisher_gui]: can't locate node [joint_state_publisher_gui] in package [joint_state_publisher] 注意这里的错误是说在joint_state_publisher 里找不到joint_state_publisher_gui ...