因为文件记录了/turtle1/pose主题,所以只要turtlesim在运行,ros2 bag play命令就不会退出,即使您没有移动。这是因为只要/turtlesim节点处于活动状态,它就会定期发布/turtle1/pose主题上的数据。您可能已经注意到,在上面的ros2 bag info示例结果中,/turtle1/cmd_vel主题的Count信息只有9;这是我们在录制时按下方向键...
$ ros2 bag record -o subset /turtle1/cmd_vel /turtle1/pose -o参数是用来设置数据库文件名的,此时文件名叫subset。多个话题名通过空格隔开就行,输入几个就会录制几个,录制时可以看到: 注意:如果觉得麻烦,可以用-a参数录制所有话题的数据,不过这样容易产生环形依赖,可能造成系统的崩溃。 4 ros2 bag info...
ros2 bag record <topic_name> 1. 如果需要记录/turtle1/cmd_vel,使用如下命令: ros2 bag record /turtle1/cmd_vel 1. 显示如下: 使用Ctrl+C终止记录。 记录多个主题保存为subset文件: ros2 bag record -o subset /turtle1/cmd_vel /turtle1 1. 如果不想系统崩溃,尽量不要选用参数-a,为啥??? There ...
ros2 bag record -o subset /turtle1/cmd_vel /turtle1/pose [INFO] [1679060830.077014683] [rosbag2_recorder]: Press SPACE for pausing/resuming [INFO] [1679060830.077882644] [rosbag2_storage]: Opened database 'subset/subset_0.db3' for READ_WRITE. [INFO] [1679060830.077948266] [rosbag2_recorde...
(3)按一定速率播放bag文件( -r 100 ) rosbag play -r 100 ./test.bag 1. (4)更改话题名称并更改播放速率 rosrun topic_tools throttle messages /left-bef 4.0 /left-aft 1. (5)提取数据集中的图片: 首先安装依赖项 sudo apt-get install ffmpeg ...
Currently, when playing back from a previously-recorded database, ros2 bag play creates a publisher for each topic (even if there were originally multiple publishers for that topic). When creating the publisher, it needs to provide a QoS profile. If the topic had a single publisher, or if...
I want to use the delay option of bag play that was implemented in ROS1, but it seems that it is not implemented in ROS2. Is there any reason why it is not implemented in ROS2? TierIV implemented the delay option in the forked repository below, if we submit a pull request to this...
ros2 bag play -l *.db3 ros2 topic hz topic_name ros2 topic echo topic_name 9.launch 文件的编写 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 import os from ament_index_python.packages import get_package_share_directory from launch import LaunchDescription from launch_ros.act...
播放单个话题:ros2 bag play <rosbag2_2021_10_03-15_31_41_0.db3>--topics </sexy_girl> 3.rqt工具,是GUI框架 Introspection/Node Graph:用于查看节点和节点之间的关系的。 Introspection/Process Monitor:可以看到所有与ROS2相关的进程 Topic/Message Publisher:可以图形化发布话题数据 ...