[ INFO] [1721124403.044618221]: Connection to reverse interface dropped. [ERROR] [1721124403.044718419]: Sending data through socket failed. So i guess is one of the other two problems that mauch pointed, what i have to do in order so solve them? thank you in advanceRelated...
defcallback(msg):rospy.loginfo("Received on testa: %s", msg.data)try:with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)as sock:sock.connect(('SYSTEM_B_IP',10000))rospy.loginfo("Sending message to System B")sock.sendall(msg.data.encode('utf-...
Using a Web Browser Web browsers provide a secure connection to the Web interface for RUGGEDCOM ROS using the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) communication method. SSL encrypts traffic exchanged with its clients. The RUGGEDCOM ROS Web server guarantees that all communications with the client are private...
gazeboQuestions with no answers: 1159 [expand/collapse]
import socket import time import isaac_ros_mqtt_bridge.MqttBridgeUtils as utils from isaac_ros_mqtt_bridge.MqttBridgeUtils import convert_dict_keys import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt import rclpy from rclpy.node import Node from rosbridge_library.internal import message_conversion from rosb...
Could you please runrosrun socketcan_interface socketcan_dump can0and compare it to the the wireshark (or candump) data? Then we can at least rule out any issue in the message passing. Doing it now but compiling takes a while
There's also a long garbage collection period near the end (shortly before we close the socket). This might be partly the fault of the tracing system, which currently allocates lots of small values, rather than writing to a preallocated buffer. ...
Section 2.1.2 Connecting via the Network ROS can be accessed over the network either through a Web browser, terminal or a workstation running terminal emulation software. Using a Web Browser Web browsers provide a secure connection to the Web interface for ROS using the SSL (Secure Socket ...
goal_response and feedback data are all stored into DDS buffer(socket function is faster than ros2 executor), the bug happened when the executor to deal with this waitable entity, the PR of @fujitatomoya can solve this case. case 3 ROS2 can't guarantee which packet data come first. As...
I would like to add what happens when not using the asynchronous writing thread. In that case, the thread adding the sample is blocked until the RTPS datagram is sent to the network, so each sample is added after the previous one has been physically put on the socket output buffer, and ...