问题:1.resource not found:ROSpath [0]=/opt/ros/kinetic/share/rosROSpath [1]=/opt/ros/kinetic/sh 2.Running xacro failed.Please check console for errors 如图:1.2. 解决:sourcedevel/setup.bash Ubuntu16.04下安装ROS Kinetic环境配置时出现没有那个文件目 ...
高手可以谈谈ROS机器人操作平台开发的一些经验吗?据说国外开发机器人用的是ROS,可是ROS网站的说明不太好理解,所以想请教一些使用ROS的经验。 关注者1,370 被浏览399,258 关注问题写回答 邀请回答 好问题 31 添加评论 分享 43 个回答 默认排序 写回答 1 个回答被折叠(为什么?)下载知乎...
2> nav2 starts resource cleaning, and finally nav2_bt_navigator is released as a whole. The destructor releases all the pointers it creates, but the actionServer thread is still executing, resulting in UAF access. Member SteveMacenski commented Mar 11, 2024 It is not considered a valid ...
gazeboQuestions with no answers: 1159 [expand/collapse]
./ngc-cli/ngc registry resource download-version "nvidia/isaac/r2bdataset2023:1"Then, move the datasets to their required location:mv r2bdataset2023_v1 assets/datasets/r2b_datasetSequenceSizeVisualContentsDescription r2b_lounge 3.9G LI HAWK stereo L+R 1920x1200 RGB 30fps RealSense D455 L+R...
一、ROS机器人开发系统简介 ROS(Robot Operating System,机器人操作系统)支持多种编程语言和平台,便于...
<argname="world_name"value="worlds/mud.world"/><!-- Note: the world_name is with respect to GAZEBO_RESOURCE_PATH environmental variable --> <argname="paused"value="false"/> <argname="use_sim_time"value="true"/> <argname="gui"value="true"/> ...
req2.goal_constraints[0] = req.path_constraints; req2.path_constraints = moveit_msgs::Constraints(); planning_interface::MotionPlanResponse res2;// we call the planner for this additional request, but we do not want to include potential// index information from that callstd::vector<std::...
When I launch moveit for controlling robot in rviz using ros2 launch xarm_moveit_config lite6_moveit_realmove.launch.py robot_ip:= [add_gripper:=false] I get the following terminal output: ros2 launch xarm_moveit_config lite...
planning.win.patch Remove changes upstreamed in moveit/moveit#2772 * Update ros-noetic-rosmon-core.patch * Create ros-noetic-sophus.path * Fix name of sophus patch and bump eigenpy * fix ros-noetic-moveit-ros-planning patch * Update additional_recipes * Temporarily build ros-noetic-eigen...