我打开键盘控制cmd_vel后 一直按前进键 小车轮子隔了几秒才有反应 然后我准备转弯 这时终端报错 Encoder count was not 2 [ERROR] [1713187963.159210]: Serial exception trying to open port. 就断开连接了,你有遇到这个问题吗?应该怎么解决leoyiyan commented May 30, 2024 你好 我现在也遇见了这个问题,请问...
if len(values) != 2: print "get_pidin count was not 2" raise SerialException return None else: return values def get_pidout(self): values = self.execute_array('f') if len(values) != 2: print "get_pidout count was not 2" raise SerialException return None else: return values 修改...
if len(values) != 2: print "get_pidin count was not 2" raise SerialException return None else: return values def get_pidout(self): values = self.execute_array('f') if len(values) != 2: print "get_pidout count was not 2" raise SerialException return None else: return values 修改...
"[MonitorNode] Received stop monitoring request while monitor was not started."); return; } is_monitoring_ = false; } // Initialize message for return ros2_benchmark_interfaces::msg::TimestampedMessageArray response_start_timestamps{}; ros2_benchmark_interfaces::msg::TimestampedMessageArray...
ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Joint "<< it->first <<" not yet updated"); ret =false;continue; }if(allowed_dur != ros::Duration()) { ros::Durationdur = ros::Time::now()-last_joint_update_.find(it->first)->second;if(dur > allowed_dur) { ...
The odometer is accumulated from the encoder to count the feedback of the wheel rotation. The slippage of the robot wheel and the ground will cause the accumulated error; the Adaptive Monte Carlo Localization (AMCL) [7] is typically a robot-self-localization algorithm using a laser ranger and...
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 3、ros节点发布 Twist Messages 控制机器人完成指定的任务 仿真环境 roslaunch rbx1_bringup fake_turtlebot.launch rosrun rviz rviz -d `rospack find rbx1_nav`/sim.rviz // /odom which only shows the encoder data //rosrun rviz rviz -d `rospack find rbx1_nav`/nav_...
/pylon_camera_node/get_statistic_missed_frame_count value : -1 = Feature not supported by current camera, -2 = error getting the value. /pylon_camera_node/get_statistic_resynchronization_count value : -1 = Feature not supported by current camera, -2 = error getting the value. /pylon_came...
Plane Cell Count: 10 Reference Frame: <Fixed Frame> Value: true - Alpha: 1 Autocompute Intensity Bounds: true Autocompute Value Bounds: Max Value: 10 Min Value: -10 Value: true Axis: Z Channel Name: intensity Class: rviz/PointCloud2 Color: 255; 255; 255 Color Transformer: Intensity Dec...
/pylon_camera_node/get_statistic_resend_request_countvalue : -1 = Feature not supported by current camera, -2 = error getting the value. /pylon_camera_node/get_statistic_missed_frame_countvalue : -1 = Feature not supported by current camera, -2 = error getting the value. ...