rongxi中文含义解释:下表包含 rongxi 相关词语 拼音 什么意思 解释等。 共查找到拼音“rongxi组词语” 4 个 荣熙 róng xī ⒈ 繁盛。[查看详情] 1 容膝 róng xī ⒈ 仅容两膝。形容居室狭小。[查看详情] 2 容系 róng xì ⒈ 谓有罪系狱,宽容而不加桎梏。[查看详情] ...
【汉字】榕溪 容易 【拼音】róng xī róng yì 【拼音小技巧】前鼻音:指拼音中以“n”结尾的韵母,如:an ian uan en in uen 。后鼻音:指拼音中以“ng”结尾的韵母,如:ang iang uang eng ing ueng ong iong。平舌音:指拼音中以“z、c、s”开头的声母。翘舌音:指拼音中以“zh、...
Rongxi is a locality in Jiangmen, Pearl River Delta, Guangdong. Rongxi is situated nearby to the locality Songcun, as well as near Maicun.Map Directions Satellite Photo MapType: Locality Location: Jiangmen, Pearl River Delta, Guangdong, South China, China, East Asia, Asia View on Open...
网站地址 网站链接:进入网站 服务器IP: 相关信息:公司创立于2002年,是一家集研发、生产、销售为一体的大型现代化宠物食品企业。以专注宠物食品, 打造中国宠物食品匠心品牌为企业愿景!开发生产的“艾尔”、“靓贝”两款系列产品销售可观。
Rongxi is a town in Chongqing, Chongqing Municipality and has about 20,400 residents. Mapcarta, the open map.
yongrongxianya的同音词,近音词及组词语有:雍容闲雅、雍荣闲雅.yongrongxianya中文含义解释:下表包含 yongrongxianya 相关词语 拼音 什么意思 解释等。共查找到拼音“yongrongxianya组词语” 2 个 雍容闲雅 yōng róng xián yǎ ⒈ 谓神态从容不迫,举止文雅大方。亦作:雍容尔雅、雍容大雅。[查看详情] 1 ...
Guangzhou (aka. Canton) Bus stop information-Rongxi | Route here: 126, 254, 426, 519, 524, 556, 830, 831, 841, 929, 夜22, 夜26, 夜90, 夜107
艾尔(品牌)隶属于河北荣喜宠物食品有限公司,是一家致力于健康宠物食品研发和生产的宠物食品品牌。 品牌理念 艾尔品牌上市20年,定位鲜肉膳食专家,始终坚持“艾尔优选,品质领鲜”的理念,以优质产品,对话多元养宠生活。 艾尔宠物用品官方旗舰店: ...
Rongxi Till Member, Rongxi Tillite, Rongxi Formation Sichuan Integrative Geology Research Team, 1978, Summary of Stratigraphy of Sichuan (Sinian, Paleozoic and Triassic), Sichuan Bureau of Geology, 1–331. First appeared in a 1976 manuscript by No.107 Sichuan Geology Team Rongxi in Xiushan ...