我们若为以前的主人效劳,是不得当的。 (c) 2021 TheEnduring WordBible Commentary by David Guzik– ewm@enduringword.com
我们不应当惊奇,那里的教会并非由某个使徒直接建立,乃是自发形成的。 ii.尽管如此,透过彼此的熟人,或者在旅行途中,保罗认识许多罗马的基督徒,熟知他们的名字,因为他在罗马书16章提到了他们。即或保罗与许多罗马基督徒仅仅是相识而已,对他们以及每个真正的基督徒,保罗也知道两件事:他晓得他们是蒙上帝所爱,他们是圣徒...
Pulpit CommentaryVerses 16, 17. - Therefore it is of faith, that it may be according to grace (κατὰ χάριν, as in ver. 4); to the end the promise may be sure to all the seed; not to that only which is of the Law, but to that also which is of the faith of Ab...
Benson CommentaryRomans 9:22-23. What if God, willing, &c. — Referring to Romans 9:18-19. That is, Although it were now his will, because of their obstinate unbelief; to show his wrath — Which necessarily presupposes sin; and to make his power known — This is repeated from Romans...
16, as well as justification of life in v. 18, contrasted with it as they both are, must refer to a state or condition, and that as final as condemnation. For what flows from the obedience of the Lord Jesus Christ cannot surely be less enduring than the fruit of Adam's disobedience....
· 上帝的审判是按着行为表现,而不是知识(罗2:13)。 · 上帝的审判深入到心里的隐秘事(罗2:16)。 · 上帝的审判是按着事实,而不是口头的敬虔(罗2:17-19)。 (c) 2021 TheEnduring WordBible Commentary by David Guzik– ewm@enduringword.com
b.断乎不是!保罗当然不是废了律法。使徒在罗马书第四章将会阐明,律法是在期待因信称义,在遵行律法之外的福音来到。因此,福音是坚固律法,应验了其自身的预言。 (c) 2021 TheEnduring WordBible Commentary by David Guzik– ewm@enduringword.com
third element, for whose transfiguration the κτίσις waits, and from whose glorification it hopes, in Romans 8:21, that the latter shall benefit it also—the κτίσις—through participation therein; and be to it also deliverance and freedom from its hitherto enduring bondage....
Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers(17) One characteristic of the son is that he is his father's heir. So it is with the Christian. He, too, has an inheritance--an inheritance of glory which he will share with Christ. But he must not be surprised if, before sharing the glory,...
诚实先生最后的一句话是:‘一切都在恩典之中。’说完他就离了尘世。” (c) 2021 TheEnduring WordBible Commentary by David Guzik– ewm@enduringword.com