g.理查德·伦斯基写道,罗马书“毫无疑问是全部新约书信当中最具动性的一卷,因它也是保罗在使徒职分的巅峰写成的。” 5.我们也当记住使徒彼得论及保罗书信所说的话:“……就如我们所亲爱的兄弟保罗,照着所赐给他的智慧写了信给你们。他一切的信上也都是讲论这事。信中有些难明白的……”(彼后3:15-16)...
ii. 然而,我们看到,我们可把仇敌当作朋友,以此毁灭他们。 (c) 2021 TheEnduring WordBible Commentary by David Guzik– ewm@enduringword.com
The Bible says plainly death came by Adam (Romans 5:12), and since fossils are the result of death, they could not have happened before Adam’s time. b. Darkness was on the face of the deep: This may describe a sense of resistance to the moving of the Holy Spirit on the earth. ...
a. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians is different compared to many of the other New Testament letters he wrote. Like Romans, Ephesians was not written so much to address problems in a particular church; more so, it was written to explain some of the great themes and doctrines of Christianity...
b.等候得着儿子的名分:我们在等候得着儿子的名分。尽管在某种意义上说,我们已经已成为儿子(罗8:15),但在某种意义上,我们也在等候儿子名分的成全,那将在我们的身体得赎之时兑现。 i. 上帝的救赎计划并未忽视我们的有形身体。他的计划是叫这些身体复活,那时这必朽坏的总要变成不朽坏的,这必死的总要变成不死...
i. “It was a custom, both among the Greeks and Romans, and among the Jews an express law, that no woman should be seen abroad without a veil. This was, and is, a common custom through all the east, and none but public prostitutes go without veils.” (Clarke) ii. In some culture...
· Don’t be ignorant about God’s plan for Israel (Romans 11:25). · Don’t be ignorant about spiritual gifts (1 Corinthians 12:1). · Don’t be ignorant about suffering and trials in the Christian life (2 Corinthians 1:8). · Don’t be ignorant about the rapture and the second...
诚实先生最后的一句话是:‘一切都在恩典之中。’说完他就离了尘世。” (c) 2021 TheEnduring WordBible Commentary by David Guzik– ewm@enduringword.com
b.断乎不是!保罗当然不是废了律法。使徒在罗马书第四章将会阐明,律法是在期待因信称义,在遵行律法之外的福音来到。因此,福音是坚固律法,应验了其自身的预言。 (c) 2021 TheEnduring WordBible Commentary by David Guzik– ewm@enduringword.com