Role of gut microbiota in liver diseases.". Miyake, Y,K. Yamamoto. Hepatology Research . 2013Miyake Y, Yamamoto K (2013) Role of gut microbiota in liver diseases. Hepatol Res 43(2):139–146Miyake Y, Yamamoto K. Role of gut microbiota in liver diseases. Hepatol Res 2013; 43: 139-146...
Important metabolic functions have been identified for the gut microbiota in health and disease. Several lines of evidence suggest a role for the gut microbiota in both the etiology of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and progression to its more advanced state, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (...
NAFLD is now the most common cause of liver disease in Western countries. This Review explores the links between NAFLD, the metabolic syndrome, dysbiosis, poor diet and gut health. Animal studies in which the gut microbiota are manipulated, and observational studies in patients with NAFLD, have ...
The gut microbiota is implicated in the etiology of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) as well as progression to the more severe nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. Evidence supporting this role is mainly from animal models, although data from human stud
The liver integrates metabolic outcomes with nutrient intake while preventing harmful signals derived from the gut to spread throughout the body. Direct blood influx from the gastrointestinal tract through the portal vein makes the liver a critical firewall equipped with a broad array of immune cells...
The characteristics of intestinal microbiota in patients with chronic schistosomiasis japonica-induced liver fibrosis by 16S rRNA gene sequence GUT microbiomeSCHISTOSOMIASISSCHISTOSOMA japonicumRIBOSOMAL RNABackground: The intestinal microbiota is known to play a role in the development of liver disease,... ...
Fecal microbiota in patients with cirrhosis have been shown to alter with increasing Child-Turcotte-Pugh (CTP) and Model for End stage Liver Disease (MELD) scores, and with development of covert or overt HE. Cirrhosis dysbiosis ratio (CDR), the ratio of autochthonous/good bacteria (e.g. ...
Recent data have highlighted the role of gut dysbiosis in the etiology and pathogenesis of metabolic disorders, including obesity, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Overall, most studies have demonstrated a reduction in gut microbiome diversity and ric...
[5,6]. The observation that germ-free mice are protected from development of experimental arthritis [7] suggests a possible role for the microbiome in the pathogenesis of this disease. The composition of the gut microbiota in RA patients free of therapy is severely altered compared to healthy ...
"These findings provide first evidence for a causal role ofgut microbiotain alcohol-induced inflammation, and open up new avenues for the treatment ofalcoholic liver diseasewith potentially better patient outcomes." At present, intestinal microbiota is considered to constitute a "microbial organ": one...