The default animation script scales a humanoid's movement animations based on how fast it is moving relative to the default speed of 16 studs/second. The speed at which the Humanoid is currently walking can be obtained using the Running event. WalkToPart BasePart Read Parallel WalkToPart is ...
WalkSets the humanoid walk speed in studs per second. Adjusting this value changes themax jump distancein relation to jump height or power. SlopeDetermines the maximum slope angle that humanoids can climb. If the angle of a slope is greater than this value, the humanoids will slide down the...
When using this method from a LocalScript, only the local user's client can be kicked. Parameters message: string The message to show the user upon kicking.Default Value: "" Returns void Move void The Move Player function causes the player's character to walk in the given direction until...
hwalk = false droppinghats = false droppingtools = false flying = false spamdelay = 1 spamming = false spammingpm = false cbringing = false remotes = true added = true binds = false stopsitting = false clickgoto = false gettingtools = false removingmeshhats = false removingmeshtool = fal...
walkDirection: Vector3 玩家應該移動工具的向量3。 relativeToCamera: bool 指示玩家與玩家的相對位置的移動。預設值:false 返回 void 範例程式碼 Demonstrates moving a player relative to their camera's position using Player:Move(). The script first waits for the player's Character and Humanoid to load...
WalkSets the humanoid walk speed in studs per second. Adjusting this value changes themax jump distancein relation to jump height or power. SlopeDetermines the maximum slope angle that humanoids can climb. If the angle of a slope is greater than this value, the humanoids will slide down the...
When using this method from a LocalScript, only the local user's client can be kicked. Parameters message: string The message to show the user upon kicking.Default Value: "" Returns void Move void The Move Player function causes the player's character to walk in the given direction until...
walkDirection: Vector3 玩家应该移动工具的向量3。 relativeToCamera: bool 一个指示玩家与玩家相对位置移动的Boolean。默认值:false 返回 void 代码示例 Demonstrates moving a player relative to their camera's position using Player:Move(). The script first waits for the player's Character and Humanoid ...