开启罗布乐思之旅 立即体验 在罗布乐思,你可以与小伙伴们随时随地体验探索我们的虚拟世界,实现你对现实世界的畅想。 了解更多 开始创作 使用我们免费的沉浸式创作引擎,创作出你想象得到的 一切!你也可以在这里和全球优秀的创作者交流。 了解更多 下载Studio 罗布...
Sadly, we don’t have direct access to a visible property for models or folders. However, we can simulate this on the client by temporarily setting the parent property to nil. I use this trick to take entire zones and hide them if the player is not standing in them. Note: Deliberately ...
Given two attachments and a beam prefab, this class continuously orients duplicates of the attachments to face each other so that the beam remains straight. Also provides an API to enable/disable the beam and its orientation updates. Change Part Color On Touch Demonstrates changing the color of...
1 - The ability to scroll the information about the model to view the lower part, I need to hide the rest of the information, I demonstrate it in the video A fix for this is live and you should be able to see the change in Studio! 2 - The ability to select several objects at on...
For easier visualization, hide non-rendered mesh objects, such as armature, cages, and attachments to better preview the reference animations. Set which rig you want to test a reference animation on: In the add-on's Armature field, select the Eyedropper. In the Outliner, select the Armature...