ChIRP和CHART法的原理都是基于甲醛交联法,研究RNA与蛋白的相互作用。 UV光则以零距离和不可逆的共价键形式促进蛋白质与核酸发生交联,有轻度的尿苷交联倾向性,而不会促进蛋白质—蛋白质交联,这点比甲醛交联法更特异,但对于双链RNA的交联效果偏差,对于蛋白的交联效果取决于氨基酸。RAP、PAIR、MS2- BioTRAP和TRIP法的...
We validate the LIM-domain-only protein Csrp1 as a tissue-dependent RNA binding protein. Taken together, HARD-AP is a powerful approach that can be used to identify RBPomes from any type of sample, allowing comprehensive and physiologically relevant networks of RNA-protein interactions....
The RNA ChIP-IT® Kit was designed to study RNA-protein interactions in a chromatin context, and has been optimized to recover RNA for RT-PCR analysis. The kit contains sufficient material for 25 assays, with optimized protocols using magnetic beads, to minimize labor required to obtain ...
AATF interacts with coding and non-coding RNA species. (A) Pie chart depicting the distribution of RNA biotypes bound by AATF other than rRNA. 69% of transcripts other than rRNA bound by AATF are protein-coding, (14%) snoRNA and scaRNA, and “non-coding RNA” biotypes (17%) encompass...
little is known about what determines RNA accumulation in condensates and to which extend single condensates differ in their RNA composition. To address this, we developed an approach to read the RNA content from single synthetic and protein-based condensates using high-throughput sequencing. We find...
最近研究发现数百种新RBPs的RNA结合域尚不清楚,于是强调RNA蛋白复合物的复杂性和多样性,进而最新研究成果扩展了RNA-protein 相互作用的两大类方法:一类方法是以RNA为中心,研究与感兴趣的RNA结合的protein;另一类方法是以蛋白质为中心,研究与感兴趣的protein结合的RNAs。由于每种方法都有其优势和局限,选择最佳方法来...
Additional cellular proteins interact with the Rev-CRM1 complex and have been shown to contribute to export of retroviral RNAs. Phosphofurin acid cluster sorting protein 1 (PACS1), which localizes furin to the trans-Golgi network, can also shuttle between the nucleus and cytoplasm, can associate...
RNA can act as a carrier of information from the nucleus to the cytoplasm in the processing of protein-coding genes, as a regulatory molecule that can control gene expression, and even as an extracellular signal to coordinate trans-generational inheritance [1,2,3]. RNA binding proteins (RBPs...
We show that ProQ is an abundant RNA-binding protein with a wide range of ligands and a global influence on Salmonella gene expression. Given its generic ability to chart a functional RNA landscape irrespective of transcript length and sequence diversity, Grad-seq promises to...
Fig. 1: Functional screening to identify AKAP8 as an hnRNPM-interacting protein. aA flow chart showing the experimental approaches to identify hnRNPM-interacting proteins.bqRT-PCR analysis of theCD44v8splicing reporter minigene screening for the candidate splicing factors. Data were plotted as the Lo...