DeepBind [45] was one of the first methods which employed deep learning for the prediction of protein-binding from nucleotide sequences, demonstrating ground-break on bothin vitroandin vivoprotein-RNA interaction datasets. DeepBind makes use of a single 1D Convolutional layer, which consists of a ...
RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) play crucial roles in various biological processes. Deep learning-based methods have been demonstrated powerful on predicting RBP sites on RNAs. However, the training of deep learning models is very time-intensive and computat
Prediction of RNA binding sites in a protein using SVM and PSSM profile. Proteins. 2007; 71 :189–194. doi: 10.1002/prot.21677. [ Cross Ref ]Kumar M, Gromiha MM, Raghava GPS. Prediction of RNA binding sites in a protein using SVM and PSSM profile. Proteins: Structure, Function and ...
RNA binding protein (RBP) plays an important role in cellular processes. Identifying RBPs by computation and experiment are both essential. Recently, an RBP predictor, RBPPred, is proposed in our group to predict RBPs. However, RBPPred is too slow for th
Bioinformatics RNA-protein interactions| Analysis of binding interfaces and prediction of protein binding sites in RNA PURDUE UNIVERSITY Michael R. GribskovDaisuke Kihara GuptaAditiRNA-protein interactions are vital to many biological processes such as translation and splicing. Analysis of the binding ...
高欣课题组使用Protein Data Bank (PDB)作为数据集。PDB中的数据含有蛋白质表面的空间拓扑信息,但是由于有些数据来自同源蛋白质,存在着数据冗余的问题,其会带来偏置,降低模型的泛化能力。 为了解决这一问题,他们将PDB聚类(每个类中的条目至少有90%的RNA重合),然后从每个类中选取最好分辨的一个结构;如果一个结构中...
RNA—binding sites predictionmodel.We∞e computer network technology to develop aweb-basedserverRISPanditis freely availableat一.Given a proteinsequence,RISP decideswhetherresidueinthe proteinis RNA—bindingornot,andgivestheconfidence value,‘highspecificity’predictionand‘hig...
今天给大家介绍密歇根州立大学数学系Guowei Wei教授团队2020年2月14日发表在Nature Machine Intelligence上的文章:A topology-based network tree for the prediction of protein–protein binding affinity changes following mutation. 这篇文章将...Nat. Biotech.|药物设计的AI生成模型 作者| 陈雨洁 单位 | 湖南大学...
Protein-RNA interaction是基因表达不可或缺的调节因子。研究小组通过改进的粘连技术结合高通路的技术创建了一种基因组范围的研究平台,可在活细胞中研究蛋白质与RNA的作用模式。通免疫沉淀技术(immunoprecipitation, HITA-CLIP)研究者还能找出蛋白质与RNA的结合位点。
第十一章 蛋白质的相互作用(Protein-Protein Interactions) 热度: 计算预测蛋白质-RNA相互作用 热度: 激光与蛋白质链上孤立子相互作用的数值分析 Numeric Analysis of Interactions Between the Laser and Soliton on the Protein 热度: RESEARCHARTICLEOpenAccess ...