Phenol/chloroform extraction is a common technique used to separate and purify DNA, RNA, and protein from a biological specimen, such as a virus preparation. It involves the differential partitioning of DNA/protein and RNA into organic and aqueous phases, respectively. First, a monophasic solution...
Acidic Phenol-Chloroform-Isoamyl-Alcohol (25:24:1) 产品及特点 本产品是酸酚-氯仿-异戊醇的 25:24:1 的混合液,酸酚是用酸性缓冲液饱和的苯酚溶液。本产品的 pH 在 4.0-5.0 之间,用于 RNA 提取时去除蛋白质、多糖、脂类和酚类等杂质。本产品不能用于 DNA 提取。苯酚使蛋白质变性,同时抑制了 RNase 的降解...
爱企查为您提供上海钰博生物科技有限公司RNA提取溶液(25:24:1)/Acidic Phenol-Chloroform-Isoamyl-Alcohol (25:24:1)现货等产品,您可以查看公司工商信息、主营业务、详细的商品参数、图片、价格等信息,并联系商家咨询底价。欲了解更多人胚肾细胞、脂蛋白、ygc琼脂、光度法
Phenol/Chloroform-free Column Plant RNAOUT 产品及特点 本产品是在柱式植物RNAOUT(CAT 71203)的基础上经过配方和流程优化得到的无氯仿升级产品,它结合了植物RNAout的高效性、快捷性以及无氯仿处理的安全性。该产品特点如下:1. 免酚和氯仿处理,操作安全可靠。2. 简单快速,处理一个样品只需要约十分钟。3. RNA 纯...
RNA根据结构和功能的不同,又可以分为mRNA、rRNA、tRNA以及一些小分子RNA等。表1 不同种类RNA RNA种类...
extraction buffer produces a highly viscous solution. The viscosity is usually due to genomic DNA. This normally has no effect on the RNA isolation (except for dictating longer periods of spinning at the phenol-chloroform extraction steps), unless the amount of dissolved tissue was indeed too ...
Protocol中一般建议在离心柱上进行DNase的消化(下面有详细介绍)。 3、RNA样品的处理:上面已经提到,RNA样品中不可能没有DNA的污染,那么我们怎样去除gDNA的污染呢?“RNA”company-Ambion提供了3种方法 ( ①DNase消化②PC抽提(phenol-chloroform extraction)③LiCl...
Human RNA Extraction PROTOCOL(RNA提取方法) REAGENTS Guanadinium Thiocyanate 1.0 M Sodium Citrate pH 7.010% Sarcosyl2-mercaptoethanolwater saturated phenol pH 4.0-7.0 Na2EDTAMOPS (free REAGENTS >Guanadinium Thiocyanate> 1.0 M Sodium Citrate pH 7.0...
phenolThis chapter describes, in detail, how to extract RNA and DNA from tissue and cell culture samples using phenol:chloroform extraction, commonly referred to by the trade names TRIzol; and TRI Reagent;. Most protocol steps have additional comments from the author regarding how to proceed at ...
Protocol中一般建议在离心柱上进行DNase的消化(下面有详细介绍)。 3、RNA样品的处理:上面已经提到,RNA样品中不可能没有DNA的污染,那么我们怎样去除gDNA的污染呢?“RNA”company-Ambion提供了3种方法 ( ①DNase消化②PC抽提(phenol-chloroform extraction)③LiCl...