可以使用实用程序faToTwoBit将.2bit格式转换参考文件fasta格式 5.FilterTable.py根据tabix工具索引的特定注释过滤输入表的位置。过滤后的位置将在每行的开头标记为“#”。要排除这些行,应使用选项-E。功能与GTF注释文件的第三个字段中指示的相同。 6.AnnotateTable.py根据tabix工具索引的注释文件的各个位置。 根据-c...
Direct identification of A-to-I editing sites with nanopore native RNA sequencing 今天给大家带来一篇新加坡南洋理工大学有关RNA修饰使用纳米孔测序进行检测的文章。作者使用了牛津纳米孔直接对RNA测序,用于鉴定天然转录组中含肌苷的位点,提出了Dinopore (Detection of inosine with nanopore sequencing)。作者训练了卷...
然后直接将结果文件上传即可,最终结果与原文一致 in total, 34 editing sites present in 15 chloroplast protein-coding genes were predicted by the PREP-cp program PS:下一步结合转录组数据预测RNA编辑位点需要仔细看一下啦!!!
1. Zhang P, Zhu Y, Guo Q, et al. On the origin and evolution of RNA editing in metazoans[J]. Cell Reports, 2023, 42(2). 2. Gray, M.W. (2012). Evolutionary origin of RNA editing. Biochemistry 51, 5235-5242. 10.1021/bi300419r. 3. Liscovitch-Brauer, N., Alon, S., Porath,...
2023年2月14日,华大生命科学研究院李启业与浙江大学张国捷联合其他国内外合作者在Cell Reports杂志在线发表题为On the origin and evolution of RNA editing in metazoans的研究论文,揭示了ADAR介导的RNA编辑机制是后生动物祖先的重要演化创新,并提出ADAR编辑系统最初的功能很可能是用于防止基因组重复序列衍生的内源双链...
RNA editing is a post-transcriptional RNA sequence alteration. Current methods have identified editing sites and facilitated research but require sufficient genomic annotations and prior-knowledge-based filtering steps, resulting in a cumbersome, time-co
2023年2月14日,华大生命科学研究院李启业与浙江大学张国捷联合其他国内外合作者在Cell Reports杂志在线发表题为On the origin and evolution of RNA editing in metazoans的研究论文,揭示了ADAR介导的RNA编辑机制是后生动物祖先的重要演化创...
and reduced RNA editing due to decreased expression of these enzymes [27,114]. In some cancers, there is no clear correlation between the level of RNA editing and the expression of RNA editing enzymes [25]. The extent of RNA editing and the significance of RNA editing sites vary among diff...
(2016). RES-Scanner: a software package for genome-wide identification of RNA-editing sites. Gigascience 5, 37. 10.1186/s13742-016-0143-4. 9. Liddicoat, B.J., Piskol, R., Chalk, A.M., Ramaswami, G., Higuchi, M., Hartner, J.C., Li, J.B., Seeburg, P.H., and Walkley, ...
Eight RNA editing site’s filters to filter out the most possible spurious sites. Quality Control Filter (contain quality filter and coverage filter); Editing Type Filter Splice Junction Filter; Known SNP Filter; Repeated Regions Filter; DNA-RNA Filter; ...