These alterations represent three types of editing: C to U, U to C and the very rare type U to G with a differential rate depending on exposure times. Two and twelve hours are shown as the maximum editing rate. However, RNA editing disturbance over 24h was observed, possibly due to the...
PART 1: Read mapping and RNA-editing calling For paired-end RNA-seq data: COMMAND:./RADAR read_mapping_and_RNA_editing_calling -1 "full_path_of_fastq1" -2 "full_path_of_fastq2" --stranded "true/false" -n "outname" -o "output_dir" -t "maximum_threads" ...
Genome regulation and RNA interference are also among the other activities that RNA editing can perform. This category of small regulatory RNAs, which includes microRNA, small interfering RNA, and small nuclear RNA, is responsible for carrying out these functions. The initiation, elongation...
RNA Transfection Reagent also provided efficient microRNA transfection and enabled effective gene knockouts when it was used to deliver sgRNAs for CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene editing. The high transfection efficiency, low cytotoxicity, and versatility of this reagent make it a powerful tool for RNA ...
Understanding the function of a tissue requires knowing the spatial organization of its constituent cell types. In the cerebral cortex, single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) has revealed the genome-wide expression patterns that define its many, closely related neuronal types, but cannot reveal their...
et al. Cnidarian cell type diversity and regulation revealed by whole-organism single-cell RNA-seq. Cell 173, 1520–1534.e20 (2018). Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Li, H. et al. Fly Cell Atlas: A single-nucleus transcriptomic atlas of the adult fruit fly. Science 375, eabk2432 (...
There is a need to define regions of gene activation or repression that control human kidney cells in states of health, injury, and repair to understand the molecular pathogenesis of kidney disease and design therapeutic strategies. Comprehensive integra
Invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC) is the most common form of breast cancer which accounts for 85% of all breast cancer diagnoses. Non-invasive and early stages have a better prognosis than late-stage invasive cancer that has spread to lymph nodes. The invo
Although the life of a cell is terminated by several modes of action, a few cell deaths exist—some of which resemble apoptosis and/or necrosis, and most of them are different from one another—that contribute to a wide range of functions to either support or disrupt the homoeostasis. Even...
Background: BRCA is the most common malignant tumour, and its heterogeneity is one of its major characteristics. m6A, m1A, APA, and A-to-I RNA editing constitute the four most common adenosine-associated RNA modifications and represent the most typical and critical forms of epigenetic regulation...