等同于双端150bp (PE150)测序大约需要6G-9G (Gbase,Gb碱基数)的数据量;例如,150bp X 2端 X 20M reads = 6000 M = 6G,这里的6G数据量跟你看到的fastq.gz或者fastq文件大小(gigabyte,GB)还不是一回事,实际文件大小和压缩比率还有关系;拿到原始序列的fastq.gz数据后,就可以对每个基因或转录本进行...
Database of mammalian mRNA polyadenylation http://polya.umdnj.edu/ PseudoBase Database of RNA pseudoknots http://wwwbio.leidenuniv.nl/~Batenburg/PKB.html REDIdb An RNA editing database http://biologia.unical.it/py_script/search.html Rfam Non-coding RNA families http://www.sanger.ac.uk...
RADAR: a rigorously annotated database of A-to-I RNA editing. Nucleic Acids Res. 42, D109–D113 (2014). Article PubMed CAS Google Scholar Picardi, E., D’Erchia, A. M., Lo Giudice, C. & Pesole, G. REDIportal: a comprehensive database of A-to-I RNA editing events in ...
RADAR: a rigorously annotated database of A-to-I RNA editing. Nucleic Acids Res. 42, D109–D113 (2014). Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Zhang, R. et al. Quantifying RNA allelic ratios by microfluidic multiplex PCR and sequencing. Nat. Methods 11, 51–54 (2014). Article CAS Pub...
ov.utils.download_pathway_database() #读取通路基因集,我们读取Wiki通路数据库 pathway_dict=ov.utils.geneset_prepare('genesets/WikiPathways_2019_Mouse.txt',organism='Mouse') 与此前选取差异表达的基因进行通路富集分析不同,在这里,我们使用基因的差异倍数和p值进行排序,进行GSEA分析。我们使用以下公式计算基...
而这三个网站均来源于同一个课题组,2019年该课题组对其中与RNA互作相关的RAID v2.0数据库进行了大幅度的升级和更新,新平台RNAInter(RNA Interactome Database)以RAID v2.0为蓝本,从文献及30个以上RNA相关数据库中获取总条目超过4000万条的多种类型RNA互作数据,同时结合RNA编辑、定位、修饰、靶区域、结构以及同源...
2020年3月19日,中山大学骆观正教授实验室在Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal在线发表了文章“Mapping and editing of nucleic acid modifications”。在这篇综述中,总结了DNA和RNA修饰的特点以及现有的检测技术和编辑工具,以及这些技术和工具在基础和转化医学研究中的潜在应用和现有不足。
With the advancement of sequencing technologies and bioinformatics, over than 170 different RNA modifications have been identified. However, only a few of these modifications can lead to base pair changes, which are called RNA editing. RNA editing is a u
RNA editing databases were removed for potential RNA editing events (Fig.1d). After that, we filtered germline variants generated from matched normal if available, or from population SNP databases such as the genome Aggregation Database(gnomAD) 3.0. Hence, the primary filtered candidate variants ...
2022年12月14日,北京大学伊成器(中国细胞生物学学会医学细胞生物学分会委员)课题组在Molecular Cell杂志在线发表了题为CRISPR-free, programmable RNA pseudouridylation to suppress premature termination codons的研究论文,首次报道了名为RESTAR...