SPRINT is designed for detecting RNA editing sites from RNA-seq data RES (dbRES) & Repeat Region (dbREP) https://sourceforge.net/projects/sprintpy/files/dbRES/ News Dec. 2024, users can directly use the podman (docker) image of sprint. Demo scripts are in "/home/sprint". Download pod...
"牛津纳米孔技术公司(Oxford Nanopore Technologies,ONT)开发的第三代测序平台是 目前唯一能够直接对天然RNA链进行测序的技术平台。ONT - Direct RNA Sequecing (DRS,直接RNA测序)技术能够对天然全长RNA链进行测序,同时能够保留并检测RNA碱基的修饰信息,并能够相对准确地估算 poly(A) 尾的长度,从而还原RNA的真实特征。
Performance of different variant calling (a–c) RNA editing (d,e) and RNA fusion (f) detection approaches.aAccuracy of detecting NA12878 high-confidence calls in NIST gold standard. The analysis is restricted to the expressed exons identified by Cufflinks or StringTie.bOverlap between variants pr...
new methods and software tools, and reviews, opinions and commentaries. Areas covered include, but are not limited to: sequence analysis; bioinformatics; insights into molecular, cellular and organismal biology; functional genomic...
RNA编辑(RNA editing)包括RNA分子内核苷酸的插入、缺失和碱基取代,显然,RNA编辑违反了中心法则,RNA编辑的产物与其DNA模板不同。通过RNA编辑,可以创造AUG起始位点、消除终止密码子以及影响RNA的稳定性等等来影响其结构及功能。RNA编辑的发现?“RNA编辑”一词在1986年首度被提出 (Benne et al., 1986),研究者发现...
TRANSGENE, GENOME EDITING TECHNOLOGIES & APPLICATIONS:Advanced transgene or genome editing technologies or methodologies; applications of transgene or genome editing in genetic improvement of agriculturally important traits, which otherwise...
Second, a single analysis pipeline was used in this study, which may introduce bias in transcriptomic quantification and characterization of the reference datasets. Although previous studies compared the performance of different RNA-seq analysis tools and found overall good reproducibility for different ...
最后,作者通过使用RNAcocktail流程研究得出:the choice of tools and computational approaches had a large impact on the accuracy and runtime of the analysis(一般可以理解)。所以,对于如何选择工具进行RNA-seq分析还是要看具体的条件和目的,以及对结果的预测。
本地论文 3D RNA seq a powerful and flexible tool for rapid and accurate differential expression and alternative splicing analysis of RNA seq data for.pdf
Fig. 3: Differential and functional analysis with ExpressAnalyst. Key features of the ExpressAnalyst ‘Expression Profiling’ module include an interactive table of differentially expressed genes (A), with links to EcoOmicsDB ortholog profiles (B). There are six interactive visual analytics tools (C...