Radon (222Rn) and Thoron (220Rn) are radioactive noble gases which are produced in the decay chain of primordial radionuclides 238U and 232Th. These gases have been established as an important source of inhalation radiation dose to human which increases risk of lung cancer. Similarly the ...
与放射性衰变有关的微分方程组通过快速矩阵方法求解。 该方法比经典的“dsolve”方法更快。 对于“dsolve”方法,请查看: https://de.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/69157-radon-220-thoron-decay-chain 可以在此处找到详细说明: L. 道德和 AF Pacheco,上午。 J.物理。 71(7) 2003, 684 - 686。
MobilityLifetime~(220)Rn DaughtersA method of mobility and ionic lifetime measurement of alpha emitters from the ~(228)Th/ ~(220)Rn decay chain is presented. The choice of ~(220)Rn chain over ~(222)Rn is based on the fact that the shorter nuclear lifetime of ~(220)Rn and ~(216)...
()method they are defined by specifying the atomic number, mass number, ion charge and excitation energy. Each radionuclide is simulated separately, distinguishing between ionized and non-ionized and respecting the percentage proportions of the decay chain to which it belongs. For our purposes,222...