Cryogenic liquidsScreeningLow-background measurementsIn this paper a detection method of 伪 emitters from ~(222)Rn decay chain, present in cryogenic liquids, using bare Si- PIN diodes immersed in the liquids is presented. Properties of ionized ~(222)Rn daughters deduced from conducted measurements ...
Alpha-decay branching ratios to high-lying excited-states of the 242Cm→238pu→ 234U →230Th→226Rn decay chain We present a systematic calculation on the 0c-decay branching ratios to excited-states of an even-even α-decay chain 242Cm→238pu→234U →230Th→226Rn by the improved barrier...
Production and exhalation of 222Rn depend primarily on the host rock, speleothems and sediments of the cave, and also on the soil above it. 222Rn derives from radium decay and its emanation rate and transport through the porous networks are dependent on the different environmental and geological...
The different half-lives of the decay products of Ra and Ra allow the discrimination of these nuclides based on an electronic detection gateway pioneered in 1963 (Giffin et al. 1963). All events, including decays that cannot be attributed to either the Ra chain or the Ra chain, are counted...
Fig. 7: RNF219 attenuates global mRNA decay. a Western blot analysis of RNF219 expression in parental HeLa, RNF219 KO cells and RNF219 KO cells stably expressing 3xFS-RNF219-WT or -RINGmut using antibodies as indicated. The relative RNF219 expression level is given below; tubulin serve...
It is extremely radioactive; its most stable isotope, francium-223 (originally called actinium K after the natural decay chain it appears in), has a half-life of only 22 minutes. It is the second-most electropositive element, behind only caesium, and is the second rarest naturally occurring...
In this paper a detection method of a emitters from ~(222)Rn decay chain, present in cryogenic liquids, using bare Si-PIN diodes immersed in the liquids is presented. Properties of ionized ~(222)Rn daughters deduced from conducted measurements are outlined. Life-time of positive ions was ...
Radon (222Rn) and Thoron (220Rn) are radioactive noble gases which are produced in the decay chain of primordial radionuclides 238U and 232Th. These gases have been established as an important source of inhalation radiation dose to human which increases risk of lung cancer. Similarly the ...
A direct detection method of ionized alpha-emitters from the 222Rn decay chain (214Po and 218Po) in a cryogenic liquid in the presence of an external electric field is shown. Properties of the radioactive ions are derived from a proposed model of ion production and transport in the ...
Data evaluation relies (besides the 186.2keV 226 Ra gamma peak) on the combined analysis of major gamma peaks that are produced by the short-lived radon ( 222 Rn) daughters 214 Pb and 214 Bi. Precondition for this detection approach is equilibrium decay of all members of the decay chain ...