Radon (222Rn) and Thoron (220Rn) are radioactive noble gases which are produced in the decay chain of primordial radionuclides 238U and 232Th. These gases have been established as an important source of inhalation radiation dose to human which increases risk of lung cancer. Similarly the ...
与放射性衰变有关的微分方程组通过快速矩阵方法求解。 该方法比经典的“dsolve”方法更快。 对于“dsolve”方法,请查看: https://de.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/69157-radon-220-thoron-decay-chain 可以在此处找到详细说明: L. 道德和 AF Pacheco,上午。 J.物理。 71(7) 2003, 684 - 686。
The structures of the nuclei on the alpha-decay chain of ~(194)Rn are investigated in the deformed relativisticmean-field theory with the effective interaction TMA.We put an emphasis on the ground state properties of ~(194)Rn.The calculated alpha-decay energies and lifetimes are both very clos...
Radon is a radioactive noble gas that exists naturally in the form of three isotopes: 222Rn, 220Rn and 219Rn. The most stable and environmentally relevant one, 222Rn, is formed by alpha decay of 226Ra, and ultimately from 238U; it has a half-life of 3.82 days. On the other hand, ...
A method of mobility and ionic lifetime measurement of alpha emitters from the ~(228)Th/ ~(220)Rn decay chain is presented. The choice of ~(220)Rn chain over ~(222)Rn is based on the fact that the shorter nuclear lifetime of ~(220)Rn and ~(216)Po allows for easy determination ...
This may lead to an underestimation and radioactivity over-dispersion of 238U decay chain members when they are measured via their 222Rn daughter products.doi:10.1016/j.apradiso.2019.108945Grzegorz PorbaKonrad TudykaAgata Walencik-ataAleksander Kolarczyk...
In high-resolution γ spectrometry U decay chain members can be measured by comparing reference material and unknown sample count rates induced by the γ lines assigned to Pb and Bi. Both Pb and Bi are daughter radionuclides of Rn. This noble gas nuclide can escape from both natural samples,...
The structures of the nuclei on the alpha-decay chain of ~(194)Rn are investigated in the deformed relativisticmean-field theory with the effective interaction TMA.We put an emphasis on the ground state properties of ~(194)Rn.The calculated alpha-decay energies and lifetimes are both very ...
We present a systematic calculation on the α-decay branching ratios to excited-states of an even-even α-decay chain 242Cm→238Pu→234U→230Th →226Rn by the improved barrier penetration approach. The changes of the parities between the parent nuclei and the daughter nuclei are properly...
The structures of the nuclei on the alpha-decay chain of 194Rn are investigated in the deformed relativistic mean-field theory with the effective interaction TMA. We put an emphasis on the ground state properties of 194Rn. The calculated alpha-decay energies and lifetimes are both very close to...