Values for thirteen γ-rays in the 226Ra decay chain from 609–2447 keV are also given.doi:10.1016/0029-554X(79)90548-2Helmer, R. GGehrke, R. JGreenwood, R. CElsevier B.V.Nuclear Instruments & Methods
We hence demonstrate that an accurate determination of the decay constant has to consider the possible diffusion of volatile components in the decay chain. This is especially important in cases involving significant temperature change. 展开 关键词: Experimental/ nuclear electron capture radioactive dating...
The discovery of radioactive disequilibrium among isotopes of the 238 U decay chain in recent volcanic rocks 1鈥 7 has enhanced our understanding of both the timescale and processes of melting in the mantle. Excesses of 230 Th (half life 75,200 yr) relative to its parent 234 U in some ...
The radium-226, 226Ra (T ½ = 1622 years), is a naturally occurring radioisotope belonging to the 238U decay chain, which has widely been used as a tracer in groundwater and seawater transport and mixing (Smith et al. 2012), as well as for studying water-rock interactions in grou...
The different half-lives of the decay products of Ra and Ra allow the discrimination of these nuclides based on an electronic detection gateway pioneered in 1963 (Giffin et al. 1963). All events, including decays that cannot be attributed to either the Ra chain or the Ra chain, are counted...
The apparent change of activity with temperature in a 226 Ra decay chain Radioactive decay rates are to a large extent believed to be independent of the chemical environment. This is the physics basis implicitly assumed in appli... J Thompson,N Luo,C Entenmann,... - 《Journal of ...
The systematics of the Ra isotope system can be taken from Table 5 which shows that all 4 naturally occurring radionuclides of Ra are derived from decay of precursor Th nuclides. Since, in contrast to U, Th remains (even under oxidizing conditions) always in the tetravalent state, Th is alm...
(HPGe) detector. During analysis, the photo-peaks regularly observed in the samples were identified, and belong to the natural radioactive decay series led by228Ra,226Ra, and a third natural radionuclide,40K. The activity of226Ra was determined using the gamma-lines of214Pb (295.2 and 351.9...
226Ra decay chainchemical environmentRadioactive decay rates are to a large extent believed to be independent of the chemical environment. This is the physics basis implicitly assumed in applications such as radioisotope dating. While this statement is a good approximation for most radioactive decays,...
Measurements of the concentrations of the 238U decay series isotopes ( 234U, 230Th, 226Ra) have been used to estimate the rates at which magma is generated and transported in the mantle. The usual assumption is that solid mantle minerals are in radioactive equilibrium prior to melting. However...