【搬运】原版拓展制作..Vanilla Expanded制作组每隔一段时间就会推出一张Mod进度表,包含了未来一年左右待制作的mod和先后顺序。本次搬运的是去年圣诞节发布的Mod Roadmap和详细介绍,以及Oskar本人
Since building a road will require a lot of time and resources, the mod currently only supports building from one tile to a neighbouring one. The operation can then be repeated to link multiple tiles. It is possible to build a road to a tile that would otherwise be impassable, as long ...
Roads and rivers World now generates with roads and rivers There are five road types: path, dirt road, stone road, ancient asphalt road, ancient asphalt highway Some roads generate with things alongside, like concrete barriers or ancient lampposts There are four sizes of river: huge river, lar...
Remove drill building sounds from wood construction. Misc balan 分享199 rimworld吧 无焰的先古巨剑 【1.0MOD汉化】失落森林 Lost ForestMod英文名:Lost Forest Mod中文名:失落森林 作者:IGNI 翻译:独角兽(基于独角兽文本翻译)、本人、苍鸟 前置MOD: Humanoid Alien Races 2.0 ResourcePackCore 推荐搭配MOD: a ...
BuildingUnassign "解除指定" CommandBedSetForPrisonersLabel "囚犯专用" CommandBedSetForPrisonersDesc "把此房间内的所有床铺设为囚犯专用。" CommandBedSetForPrisonersFailOutdoors "只有室内的床铺才能设为囚犯专用。" CommandBedSetAsMedicalLabel "医疗专用" CommandBedSetAsMedicalDesc "将此床设为医疗用途的床。
LetterLabelBuildingBrokenDown "損壞:{0}" LetterBuildingBrokenDown "你有一部電器({0})損壞了,在具有修理技能的居民將它修理好之前,它將無法運作。" RansomDemandTitle "給{0}的贖金要求" RansomDemand "{1}透過無線電呼叫你,他們挾持{0}以要脅贖金。如果你願意支付{2}白銀的贖金,他們將很樂意放HE回來。"...
I've been building into a mountain, so defense comes down to keeping things out - and avoiding Infestations. Having the option to make Infestation Bait (a mod, with the settings bumped up from 50% chance to 85% chance to deflect an Infestation) helps. I don't feel like mazes or kill...
“punish” Tetsuya by making him begin Operation Forestation to the south of our camp. With so few trees nearby, a field of birch will come in handy in case we still want a flammable base down the road. I choose birch because they take only 10 “days” to mature (one season equals ...
NeedJoySourceDesc "Your colonists need to fulfill their joy need, but you haven't built any joy sources.Help them by building a horseshoes pin, chess table, or other joy source." NeedBatteries "Need batteries" NeedBatteriesDesc "You have a solar or wind generator, but no batteries. This ...