Name: Armor Racks - Id: razor2.3.anotherrimworldmod.autocutblight Name: Auto-Cut Blight - Id: ben.automaticnightowl Name: Automatic Night Owl - Id: falconne.bwm Name: Better Workbench Management - Id: uuugggg.buildfrominventory Name: Build From Inventory - Id: brrainz.cameraplus Name: Cam...
自动攻击的防御塔,看了一下xml,发现实现起来非常非常的简单! <ThingDef ParentName="BuildingBase"><defName>Turret_DF_Auto</defName>自动火箭炮<description>自动火箭炮</description><thingClass>Building_TurretGun</thingClass><drawerType>MapMeshAndRealTime</drawerType><graphicData><texPath>Things/Building/S...
第一次玩这个游戏,该..*HugsLib*Mod Manager*CustomDeathRandomness*More Trade Ships*Psychology*Auto Light Switch*AvoidFriend
搞开放阵地,配上CE火器机制,科技和敌对阵营卡在高级研究台前后,打上红马 边缘雷霆之流mod ...
RimHUD谜之弹窗..不管是选中小人还是动物都会弹窗报错,排序把rimhud放到最前面和最后面都不行这是报错的文本,求大佬帮忙看看[[RimHUD Auto-deactivation report]]Index was o
I would appreciate being contacted if you plan to do a major fork or continuation of this mod: I can be contacted by opening an issue on this Github page, or on discord under the @epicguru handle. Clone this repository into your Mods folder. ...
【环商似虹 苍耀天穹..本帖为多mod基地开拓建设流程图文展示,中间穿插以配合非指定存档截图演出的以事件为基础为使行为与结果更合理而添加的小故事,本存档规定目标为建成sos2飞船并成功实现星球间穿梭航行,但比起完成任务,我的
Fix: Many pawns in a small space can cause heat to build up forever.Fix: Checking/unchecking pregnant animal slaughter inconsistent with checking/unchecking slaughter bonded with animals total.Fix: Auto-slaughter attempting to slaughter youngest animals and pregnant first....