friendly fire tweaks打鸡阵不会被自己子弹打坏墙了/射击技能越高误伤几率越低show draftee's weapon小人图标下显示装备中的武器complex jobs个人觉得比worktab(fluffy系列)功能分的更好,但优先级没有9而是原版的4,二者合用时读存档会重置工作安排奄奄垂绝 小人死前会留有更长可施救时间,够时间全摘左右肾肝左右...
Its dumb AI brain can't be directly controlled, so beware of friendly fire.</description>描述得改<thingClass>Building_TurretGun</thingClass><drawerType>MapMeshAndRealTime</drawerType><graphicData><texPath>Things/Building/Security/TurretMini_Base</texPath>贴图有则改,没有原版的也可以用<graphic...
friendly fire by a pawn standing in the center. The inner radius of sterile tiles defines an area in which no pawn standing on one of these tiles will hit any other allied pawn also standing on a sterile tile with friendly fire. Both of these are still the case, even if the actual ...
Friendly fire is a serious issue when facing close-range attackers, especially manhunter packs. If they manage to run past your barrage of gunfire to engage your ranged soldiers, they may receive more injuries from friendly fire in the ensuing chaos than the attackers themselves. You need to ...
Raider with mega-weapons will now avoid friendly fire Sapper groups will now choose another sapper if the first one is killed, making them much more persistent. Sapper groups will now continue digging even while defending from attack. Animals flee when harmed. ...
protected bool preventFriendlyFire;若该值为true,则当子弹击中的单位与子弹发射者的派系是友好时子弹的Impact()无法执行mod修改意见:增加了友伤避免,建议按mod实际需求来进行参数更改Verb修改Verb.ValidateTarget(LocalTargetInfo target)改为Verb.ValidateTarget(LocalTargetInfo target, bool showMessages = true)看了一...
protected bool preventFriendlyFire;若该值为true,则当子弹击中的单位与子弹发射者的派系是友好时子弹的Impact()无法执行mod修改意见:增加了友伤避免,建议按mod实际需求来进行参数更改Verb修改Verb.ValidateTarget(LocalTargetInfo target)改为Verb.ValidateTarget(LocalTargetInfo target, bool showMessages = true)看了一...
Scorchers quickly turn firefights into “fire” fights. These mechanoids start wildfires with ease and are especially effective against large groups of attackers or those taking shelter in flammable defenses.Legionary: A combat support mechanoid with a wide-range bullet shield and long-range needle ...
AI will now only deploy an NPC’s Smokepop or Broadshield pack if the offending attacker is hostile. This prevents friendly-fire from activating an NPC’s Smokepop/Broadshield. Rewrite noble requests for help in the pawn lending quest. ...