|- |} === Spawning === Spawns things - items, pawns, terrain etc. {| class="wikitable" |- ! Action !! Effect |- ! Spawn Complex{{IdeologyIcon}} | ? |- ! Remove world pawn... | Destroys the selected world pawn. |- ! Spawn Pawn | Select a moving being - colonists, ...
Fix: Animal pen auto cut not working in some circumstances.Fix: ShootBeam was updating the current path when trying to draw highlights, which would cause a beam ability to change direction mid-fire.Fix: Dev palette error with mental breaks on the bar and no colony....
Rebalanced and refactored quality generation. Masterwork/legendary level items never generate on enemies, traders, bases. Masterwork/legendary items are extra hard to craft - generally you can now only get them by inspiration or from quests Generalized "Inspired art" inspiration to "Inspired creativity...
Items in the Items tab can now be sorted by mass, market value, etc. Instead of shooting them, hunters now execute downed creatures with a neck cut (except explosive creatures). When placing or selecting work stations where pawns can sit while working, the spot where the pawn goes is indi...
Not that the weather has anything to do with the rest of this post, but I needed a headline and the weather will serve when nothing else comes to mind. So on with another bullet points post or items I thought worth noting but which weren’t worth a whole post on their own. ...
Fix : Monoliths spawned via dev tools not linking to quest. Fix : Raid source sites getting removed upon leaving map without clearing enemies. Fix : Draw fleshbeasts not working in caves. Fix : Ghouls getting heart attacks. Fix : Metalhorror inspection returning an empty letter if already dis...
Certain items like walls, doors, and power generators cannot be moved, and must be deconstructed for a loss in resources. Therefore, it is up to player preference whether you want to plan ahead or not. Trees get in the way of buildings, so you'll want to assign the tree to be cut...
Fix: Animal pen auto cut not working in some circumstances. Fix: ShootBeam was updating the current path when trying to draw highlights, which would cause a beam ability to change direction mid-fire. Fix: Dev palette error with mental breaks on the bar and no colony. Fix: Non optional ...
{{BackToTutorials}} In this tutorial we will look into testing our mods. =What you'll learn= You'll learn several methods to test your mods. =Debug modes= While testing your mods you might want to spawn in weapons, activate events or damage colonists, etcetera. This can be achieved ...