成立时间:January 1, 2013 The 7-Scenes dataset is a collection of tracked RGB-D camera frames. The dataset may be used for evaluation of methods for different applications such as dense tracking and mapping and relocalization techniques.
RGB-D Dataset 7-ScenesAntonio Criminisi
Computer vision 项目 RGB-D Dataset 7-Scenes Decision Forests KinectFusion Project Page 关注我们: 关注X 在Facebook关注 关注LinkedIn 在Youtube上订阅 关注Instagram 订阅本站 RSS 分享此页: 分享到 X 分享到Facebook 分享到LinkedIn 分享到Reddit 新增...
The SUN RGBD dataset contains 10335 real RGB-D images of room scenes. Each RGB image has a corresponding depth and segmentation map. As many as 700 object categories are labeled. The training and testing sets contain 5285 and 5050 images, respectively. Source: Mix and match networks: multi-...
(2013). A category-level 3D object dataset: Putting the kinect to work. Consumer Depth Cameras for Computer Vision (pp. 141–165). Berlin: Springer. Chapter Google Scholar Johnson, A., Hebert, M. (1999). Using spin images for efficient object recognition in cluttered 3D scenes. In ...
For example, the 1st sequence in the chess scene is at /datasets/7scenes/chess/seq-01.Test with given camera poseIn this case we assume the camera poses are given with the dataset e.g. ScanNet, KITTI, SceneNet etc.. Assuming the decoded ScanNet dataset is in /datasets/scan-net-5-...
This demo fuses 1000 RGB-D images from the 7-scenes dataset into a 405 x 264 x 289 projective TSDF voxel volume with 2cm resolution at about 30 FPS in GPU mode (0.4 FPS in CPU mode), and outputs a 3D meshmesh.plywhich can be visualized with a 3D viewer likeMeshlab. ...
The whole dataset is densely annotated and includes 146,617 2D polygons and 58,657 3D bounding boxes with accurate object orientations, as well as a 3D room layout and category for scenes. This dataset enables us to train data-hungry algorithms for scene-understanding tasks, evaluate them ...
This uses thedepth\dataset folder similar to mode 1 to generate ground truth scene coordinates but optimizes a different loss for initalization (3D distance instead of reprojection error). Note: The 7Scenes depth maps are not registered to the RGB images, and hence are not directly usable for...
252017M3NetIROSM3Net: Multi-scale multi-path multi-modal fusion network and example application to RGB-D salient object detectionPaper/Project 242017HOSODICTAHOSO: Histogram of Surface Orientation for RGB-D Salient Object DetectionPaper/Project ...