whatever. I’m going way back here, I’m going back 23 years. And they come up and then they get replaced with a .net or Rails. Ruby had been around for a long time, but Rails became a dominant framework. And then even Django and Node, I would say are newer in the l...
2:19 pm: Luca: While we did see a slight elongation in our replacement cycle towards end of quarter, active installed base of iPhone reached all-time high. 2:20 pm: Luca: Well on our way of doubling our FY16 services revenue during FY20. ...
So you didn't even know when you were done. So what does this look like to have a tax-season cycle within an advisory firm, as a part of what you're doing for clients? How Debbie's Firm Uses Meeting Surges To Manage Their Client Meetings [05:59] Debbie: Well, we have had thi...