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whatever. I’m going way back here, I’m going back 23 years. And they come up and then they get replaced with a .net or Rails. Ruby had been around for a long time, but Rails became a dominant framework. And then even Django and Node, I would say are newer in the lif...
So you didn't even know when you were done. So what does this look like to have a tax-season cycle within an advisory firm, as a part of what you're doing for clients? How Debbie's Firm Uses Meeting Surges To Manage Their Client Meetings [05:59] Debbie: Well, we have had this...
2:19 pm: Luca: While we did see a slight elongation in our replacement cycle towards end of quarter, active installed base of iPhone reached all-time high. 2:20 pm: Luca: Well on our way of doubling our FY16 services revenue during FY20. ...
Any thoughts on what that would mean or could mean for market share over the next few quarters, and kind of I guess the sustainability of the 6 cycle? And then second question for Luca in terms of any thoughts on what the margin impact from the watch is as that ramps over the next ...