To return a value based on two criteria (row and column) in Excel, you can use theINDEXandMATCHfunctions together. Here is how you can do it: Assuming your table in the 'Report' tab starts from cell A1 and extends to cell H7, and your criteria (account n...
I am almost finished migrating to MS Excel from Google (company decision). I have a spreadsheet that automates a great chunk of work for me based on just two data entries: Entry Date and Item Searched. These 2 inputs then verify a different table with the summarized ...
With the use of a MS Excel formula, I would like to Return Matching Values based on Two Conditions. Search across multiple Columns (Headers) -E1:K1and match against adjacent CellB2AND Match adjacent Phone Number CellC2across Columns (E2:K8) and Return Matching Number (E2:E8). ...
There is an array formula that can help you return cell value based on multiple criteria. Select a blank cell and type this formula=SUMPRODUCT((A2:A7=A2)*(B2:B7=B2)*(C2:C7=C6)*(D2:D7=D2)*(E2:E7))( A2:A7, B2:B7, C2:C7 and D2:D7 are the column ranges which the cr...
The function then returns the index number of the rows that have matched with the given criteria. ROW($D$5:$D$13)-4: In this part, the number ‘4’ is the row number of the Employee header. ROW()-16: The numerical value ‘16’ used in this part denotes the previous row number ...
Lookup value return multiple corresponding values with Filter In Excel, you also can use Filter feature to solve this problem. 1. Select the column range you want to look up value, and clickData>Filter. See screenshot: 2. Then click the arrow button in the first cell of you selected...
Method 3 – Return Multiple Values in Excel Based on Single Criteria in a Row Let’s find out the years when specific countries were champions in a different way. Select a cell and enter Brazil. In this case, we’ll use G5. Copy this array formula in the adjacent cell i.e. H5, an...
The INDEX function returns a value based on row number (and column number if needed) INDEX($D$3:$D$7, SMALL(IF(($B$3:$B$7<=$D$9)*($C$3:$C$7>=$D$9), MATCH(ROW($D$3:$D$7), ROW($D$3:$D$7)), ""), ROWS($A$1:A1))) returns "B" in cell C11. Get Excel ...
Return maximum sum of values based on criteria 09-18-2019 07:44 AM I am working on a system to determine the manufacturing start date for new or revised parts. The new/revised parts are split up by "Simple Part" and "Assembly/Weldment". Each part also has a routing ascoi...
Returning a value if multiple criteria met 02-01-2024 08:31 AM Returning value based on multiple criteria 05-31-2023 12:38 AM Return sum of distinct value per category 03-05-2024 11:32 PM Return value based on two events in another column 03-15-2024 07:04 ...