Good day, everyone. I am almost finished migrating to MS Excel from Google (company decision). I have a spreadsheet that automates a great chunk of work for me based on just two data entries: Ent... =MAP(entryDate,itemSearched,LAMBDA(entry,search,XLOOKUP(entry,IF(itemCode=sea...
As soon as the focus shifts to more serious calculation (programming), I move the calculation away from the tables, that still hold raw data, and rely instead upon dynamic arrays =Sales[Quantity]*Sales[Unit Price]"... or even"=quantity*unitPrice You cannot combine the two in t...
I have to admit that there is no way that I would have thought to attempt this with the Value Lookup node. I guess when you select “If no row matches: Match next Smaller” (or larger) then it basically finds a <= or >= match to the criteria in numerical datatypes? Do you see a...
With the use of a MS Excel formula, I would like to Return Matching Values based on Two Conditions. Search across multiple Columns (Headers) -E1:K1and match against adjacent CellB2AND Match adjacent Phone Number CellC2across Columns (E2:K8) and Return Matching Number (E2:E8). ...
On theMessageFastTab, select the electronic message that is related to the period that you want to submit a VAT return for. Don't update theStart dateandEnd datefields of the record. Those values are received from HMRC and will be used as criteria for collecting sales tax payment...
On the Message FastTab, select the electronic message that is related to the period that you want to submit a VAT return for. Don't update the Start date and End date fields of the record. Those values are received from HMRC and will be used as criteria for collecting sales tax ...
IIconCriteria IIconCriterion IIconSet IIconSetCondition IIconSets IInterior ILabel ILabels ILeaderLines ILegend ILegendEntries ILegendEntry ILegendKey ILine ILinearGradient ILines ILinkFormat IListBox IListBoxes IListColumn IListColumns IListDataFormat IListObject IListObjects IListRow IListRows I...
IIconCriteria IIconCriterion IIconSet IIconSetCondition IIconSets IInterior ILabel ILabels ILeaderLines ILegend ILegendEntries ILegendEntry ILegendKey ILine ILinearGradient ILines ILinkFormat IListBox IListBoxes IListColumn IListColumns IListDataFormat IListObject IListObjects IListRow IListRows I...
My spreadsheet contains data from hospital patients, based on different criteria, and one of them are household's coordinates. The question is which household is the nearest neighbour to the household that contains the most people, based on straight-line distances and return the hs...
Return1 value for multiple criteria 04-04-2019 05:53 AM Hi there, Been stuck on this for a while and appreciate any input; I've a list of sales orders, with each order comprising of multiple order lines, and each order line can be pass or fail. However, I report based on...