Good day, everyone. I am almost finished migrating to MS Excel from Google (company decision). I have a spreadsheet that automates a great chunk of work for me based on just two data entries: Ent... =entryDate,itemSearched,LAMBDAentry"not found" where the defined names are ba...
There is an array formula that can help you return cell value based on multiple criteria. Select a blank cell and type this formula=SUMPRODUCT((A2:A7=A2)*(B2:B7=B2)*(C2:C7=C6)*(D2:D7=D2)*(E2:E7))( A2:A7, B2:B7, C2:C7 and D2:D7 are the column ranges which the cr...
entryDate,itemSearched,itemCode,effectiveDate,return. If you wish, you could replace the defined names by direct cell referencing. As far as I know it is only me that describes the practice of direct cell referencing as an abomination that has no place in any computational framework...
Fill down Cell C17 to show the rest of the names with the given conditions. Some Important Features of this Formula: The IFERROR function has been used to show a customized output if any error is found. The IF function in this formula combines two different criteria and with the help of...
INDEX($C$5:$C$14, MATCH($B16,$B$5:$B$14,0)+COLUMN()-3):This part is the second argument of the IF function([value_if_TRUE]),which extracts the first output data based on the row number found in the previous step. The IF function will return a blank cell if no match is fo...
[SOLVED] How to return multiple values to a single cell based on multiple criteria By lwallace in forum Excel Formulas & Functions Replies: 5 Last Post: 08-20-2014, 06:32 AM [SOLVED] ARRAY Formula to return multiple values By Ricardo Mass in forum Excel Formu...
If you want to return multiple values vertically, you can read this articleHow to lookup value return multiple corresponding values in Excel? Unlock Excel Magic with Kutools AI Smart Execution: Perform cell operations, analyze data, and create charts—all driven by simple commands. ...
In other words: When A2 (in 2. table) matches A:A (in 1. table) AND B2 (in 2. table) matches B:B (in 1. table); return the value from C:C (1. table) to C2 (2. table). If the returned value is an empty cell, return the next value (based on the criterias mentioned)...
With the use of a MS Excel formula, I would like to Return Matching Values based on Two Conditions. Search across multiple Columns (Headers) -E1:K1and match against adjacent CellB2AND Match adjacent Phone Number CellC2across Columns (E2:K8) and Return Matching Number (E2:E8)....
where the defined names are based on the column headings. =XLOOKUP(1,($A$2:$A$8=MAXIFS($A$2:$A$8,$A$2:$A$8,"<="&F2))*($B$2:$B$8=G2),$C$2:$C$8) This formula is in cell H2 and filled down. =MAP(F2:F5,G2:G5,LAMBDA(entrydate,itemsearched...