Thedevice--knownasa subretinal implant -- sitsunderneaththeretina,directly replacinglightreceptorslostinretinaldegeneration. 这项装置,名为视网膜下植入元件,位于视网膜下部,可以直接取代视网膜退化失去的光受体而发挥作用。 2. DoctorChew,however,saysthisstudymay havenoconnectiontotreatingretinaldeg...
retinal a. 视网膜的 degeneration n. 退化,恶化,堕落 retinal temperature 视网膜温度 half retinal 半侧视网膜的 all trans retinal 全反式视黄醛 heredo degeneration 遗传性退行性变 最新单词 design sheets的中文意思 设计书 design section的中文意思 设计断面,设计截面,设计组 design scheme怎么翻译...
Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Related to Retinal degeneration:retinitis pigmentosa ret·i·nal1 (rĕt′n-ăl′) adj. Of or relating to the retina of the eye. ret·i·nal2 (rĕt′n-ăl′, -ôl′) n. Either of two chromophores that are aldehydes of vitamin A1and vitamin A2and tha...
Nrlknockdown by AAV-delivered CRISPR/Cas9 prevents retinal degeneration in mice Retinitis pigmentosa is mainly caused by mutations that initially affect survival of rod photoreceptors, leading to secondary loss of cones. Here the authors use gene editing to prevent rod degeneration, leading to survival...
retinal degeneration 视网膜变性相关短语 Troland (网膜照度单位) 特罗兰得 Westphal Strumpell neurosis (肝豆状核变性) 韦施二氏神经病 submarginal cell(膜翅目) 亚缘室 external median area (膜翅目) 外中域 middle pleural area (膜翅目) 中侧区 runaway corrosion (氧化膜) 脱落腐蚀 Maxwell model (表示材料流...
网络结晶样视网膜变性;结晶样视网膜色素变性 网络释义
LaVail MM, Matthes MT, Yasumura D, Steinberg RH. Variability in rate of cone degeneration in the retinal degeneration (rd/rd) mouse . Experimental eye research . 1997; 65 ( 1 ):45–50. doi: 10.1006/exer.1997.0308 .LaVail M. M., Matthes M. T., Yasumura D., Steinberg R. H. (...
Related to progressive retinal degeneration: Progressive retinal atrophyret·i·nal 1 (rĕt′n-ăl′) adj. Of or relating to the retina of the eye. ret·i·nal 2 (rĕt′n-ăl′, -ôl′) n. Either of two chromophores that are aldehydes of vitamin A1 and vitamin A2 and that bi...
Once the arrestin is released, rhodopsin is dephosphorylated by a serine/threonine protein phosphatase encoded by theretinal degeneration C(rdgC) locus [30,96,104,106]. Maximal activity of RDGC requires direct interaction with Ca2+/CaM, which relieves inhibition of the phosphatase activity by an...
Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA) is the most common cause of inherited retinal degeneration in children. LCA patients with RPE65 mutations show accelerated cone photoreceptor dysfunction and death, resulting in early visual impairment. It is therefore cr