明确说明你反驳的理由。不要简单地说,“我们不同意”。审稿意见回复信(response letter)通用模板 完整...
Dear editor and reviewers, Thank you for offering us an opportunity to improve the quality of oursubmitted manuscript (article number or title). We appreciated very much thereviewers’constructive and insightful comments. In this revision, we haveaddressed all of these comments/suggestions. We hope ...
下面这个就更厉害了,审稿人都说的这么严重了,作者先表示已经更正,然后接着一句话:We will be happy to edit the text further, based on helpful comments from the reviewers.意思是,多亏审稿人的好建议。再铁石心肠的审稿人看见都会会心一笑的吧哈哈哈哈...字少感情多,绝对起到了“四两拨千斤"的作用。 再...
SCI返修-responseletter常见回复“套路” 本文总结了开篇那些常见的套话。 1 Thank you very much for reviewing ourmanuscript. We also greatly appreciate the reviewers for their complimentarycomments and suggestions. We have carried out the experiments the experiments that thereviewers suggested(没补实验就把...
给编辑的叫cover letter,不是Response Letter ,大致格式如下 1.Thank you for giving us the opportunity to submit a revised draft of the manuscript “XXX” for publication in the Journal of YYY. We appreciate the time and effort that you and the reviewers dedicated to providing feedback on our...
1Firstly, we would like to thank you for your kind letter and for the reviewers’ constructive comments concerning our article (Manuscript No.:XXXXX).These comments are all valuable and helpful for improving our article. All the authors have seriously discussed all these comments. According to th...
论文返修(response letter)一些很有用的套话 总结了一部分万能的套话,以体现我们对杂志社编辑和审稿人的尊重。 1、Firstly, we would like to thank you for your kind letter and for reviewers’ constructive comments concerning our article (Manuscript No.:XXXXX).These comments are all valuable and helpful...
responses to the nice associate editor and two nice reviewers are listed below this letter.4. Thank you again for your positive comments and valuable suggestions to improve the quality of our manuscript.5. If there are any other modifications we could make, we would like very much to modify ...
7. Thank you for your nice comments on our article. According to your suggestions, we have supplemented several data here and corrected several mistakes in our previous draft. Based on your comments, we also attached a point-by-point letter to you and the other two reviewers. We have made...
1. Opening Template for the Response Letter Dear Editor and Reviewers,First and foremost, we would like to express our gratitude to you and the reviewers for your thorough review of our manuscript titled “[Title of Your Paper]”. We have carefully considered each of the comments and have ...