response to reviewers 可以直接放在cover letter里面。cover letter里面要包含之前的ID号,然后在加一句 Attached please find our Response to Reviewers' Comments 类似的话就可以了This is a resubmmision of the manuscript entitled"xxx" with a previous ID xxxx.最好说明一下按照上次审稿人意见进行了大篇幅修改...
l类似,但还是不同的。Cover letter 是你对你的稿件的综合的说明。而对审稿人主要是说明研究的重点和...
首先大家需要明确一点,给编辑的叫cover letter,不是response letter ,一定要注意格式问题哦。给审稿人的意见回信,叫做Response to Reviewers ▪普适的回应 ▪拼写错误类 ▪对语言不满意类 ▪要求加文献 ▪建议修改内容类 ▪补充实验类 ⚠需要特别注意的一点就是:SCI投稿前务必要润色一下哦~ ...
to reviewer是两个单独的文件。当然我也见过很多人就把response to reviewer直接跟在Cover letter后面放在...
Response Letter非常重要,一般审稿人只会看Response Letter,所以在针对每一条修改意见写Response Letter的时候,必须将其中的前因后果阐述清楚,某些缩写也需要重新写一遍全称。因此Response Letter写的比正文还长一点都不奇怪。 模板可以参考以下内容。 Response to reviewers #1...
Sincerely yours,×××所有作者Response to reviewersDear Editor:Thank you very much for your letter and the mentsfrom the referees about our paper submitted to Journal of Fitoterapia (FITOTE-D-11-01071). The manuscript entitled "×××" by×××所有作者have been revised according to the reviewe...
Response to reviewers Dear Editor: Thank you very much for your letter and the comments from the referees about our paper submitted to Journal of Fitoterapia (FITOTE-D-11-01071). The manuscript entitled "×××" by ×××所有作者have been revised according to the reviewers’ comments, and w...
Response Letter非常重要,一般审稿人只会看Response Letter,所以在针对每一条修改意见写Response Letter的时候,必须将其中的前因后果阐述清楚,某些缩写也需要重新写一遍全称。因此Response Letter写的比正文还长一点都不奇怪。 模板可以参考以下内容。 Response to reviewers #1...
response letter示例 1、Firstly, we would like to thank you for your kind letter and for reviewers’ constructive comments concerning our article (Manuscript No.:XXXXX).These comments are all valuable and helpful for improving our article. All the authors have seriously discusse sed ide lua JA...