Cover letter和Response letter怎么写?温之星星 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 9510 41 03:04 App 会用知网一天完成你的文献综述、毕业论文、开题报告 2.1万 75 01:50:30 App 7天一篇SCI!中科院大牛手把手教你高效写论文!全41集,包含论文写作到发刊全部干货,值得所有本科生/研究生/博士...
l类似,但还是不同的。Cover letter 是你对你的稿件的综合的说明。而对审稿人主要是说明研究的重点和...
to reviewer是两个单独的文件。当然我也见过很多人就把response to reviewer直接跟在Cover letter后面放在...
Response to reviewers #1 /*客套话*/ Thank you for the many insightful comments and suggestions. We have made revisions to address all the comments. A list of our responses to each of the specific comments is listed below. /*对于审稿人的每一条列出的审稿意见(Comment),都应该像下面这种形式回...
Sincerely yours,×××所有作者Response to reviewersDear Editor:Thank you very much for your letter and the mentsfrom the referees about our paper submitted to Journal of Fitoterapia (FITOTE-D-11-01071). The manuscript entitled "×××" by×××所有作者have been revised according to the reviewe...
Response to reviewers Dear Editor: Thank you very much for your letter and the comments from the referees about our paper submitted to Journal of Fitoterapia (FITOTE-D-11-01071). The manuscript entitled "×××" by ×××所有作者have been revised according to the reviewers’ comments, and w...
Response Letter非常重要,一般审稿人只会看Response Letter,所以在针对每一条修改意见写Response Letter的时候,必须将其中的前因后果阐述清楚,某些缩写也需要重新写一遍全称。因此Response Letter写的比正文还长一点都不奇怪。 模板可以参考以下内容。 Response to reviewers #1...
response letter示例 1、Firstly, we would like to thank you for your kind letter and for reviewers’ constructive comments concerning our article (Manuscript No.:XXXXX).These comments are all valuable and helpful for improving our article. All the authors have seriously discusse sed ide lua JA...
publication in an international journal, and once it has been examined and evaluated by experts in the field (known as reviewers or referees) appointed by an associate editor of the journal, you are asked to revise your paper taking into consideration the comments raised by the reviewers. If...