一、组件 Component 概念 二、Transform 组件和 Light 组件 三、Mesh Filter 组件和 Mesh Renderer 组件 一、组件 Component 概念 组件Component 是 选中 游戏物体 GameObject 后 , 在 Inspector 检查器 窗口 中 , 查看到的内容 ; 组件Component 代表了 游戏物体 GameObject 的一种功能 ; 空物体 只有 Transform 组...
Trail Renderer componentTrail Renderer 组件在移动的游戏对象后面随着时间的推移渲染一条多边形轨迹。此组件可用于强调移动对象的运动感,或突出移动对象的路径或位置。Trail Renderer 使用与 Line Renderer 相同的轨迹渲染算法。准备开始要创建轨迹渲染器,请执行以下操作:...
一、组件 Component 概念 二、Transform 组件和 Light 组件 三、Mesh Filter 组件和 Mesh Renderer 组件 一、组件 Component 概念 组件Component 是 选中 游戏物体 GameObject 后 , 在 Inspector 检查器 窗口 组件Component 代表了 游戏物体 GameObject 的一种功能 ; 空...
Procedural GeometryCauses Unity to render this Renderer procedurally with an intersectionshaderA program that runs on the GPU.More info See inGlossaryrather than with the mesh in theMesh Filtercomponent. Acceleration Structure Build FlagsSpecifies whether this Renderer overrides the default build flags yo...
在 dotnet 中,通过 dotnetCampus.ClrAttachedProperty 库,可以实现给任意对象附加任意属性。以及实现创建...
rendererComponent.enabled =false; } } 开发者ID:provencher,项目名称:psmove-unity5,代码行数:31,代码来源:PSMoveTest.cs 示例9: ManualUpdate ▲点赞 1▼ publicvoidManualUpdate(Mesh mesh, Material material, Quaternion rotation){if(Ring !=null) ...
Finds the first Renderer type component on the selected GameObject in scene and returns its world space bounds size. C++ Copy public: static void RendererSize(); Attributes UnityEditor.MenuItemAttribute Applies to ProductVersions MRTK2 Unity 2018 2.5.0, 2.5.1, 2.5.2, 2.5.3, 2.5.4...
Pixels Per Meter: How many pixels in the image are equivalent to one meter in Unity? Anchor Point: Location of the image's transform anchor, where (0,0) is in the bottom left corner and (1,1) is the top right Material: The material to use for rendering the image. If this field ...
Make sure you have the proper Unity version up and running Make sure you are running browser-interface through make watch command on browser-interface path. Back in unity editor, open the DebugConfig component inspector of InitialScene Make sure that the component is setup correctly Hit 'Pla...
Namespace: UnityEngine / Inherits from:Renderer Switch to Manual Description The ClothRenderer component is used together with theInteractiveClothcomponent, to visualize a cloth object in the scene. Variables pauseWhenNotVisibleShould the cloth simulation be paused when the ClothRenderer is not visible...