Dplyr:重命名tibble中添加的列,但rename()未按预期工作 使用rename_with的Purrr映射 使用rename命令批量重命名文件 总结在dplyr dplyr()中使用多个函数 如何通过django在jinja2中使用动态变量(variable.variable.variable) 使用dplyr标记区域 dplyr/ggplot使用管道 使用for循环和dplyr 使用dplyr包过滤 使用dplyr筛选“”或“...
))#> Error in rename_with(iris, ~paste0("prefix_", .x), starts_with("nonexistent")) :#> `.fn` must return a vector of length 0, not 1.rename_with( iris, ~ paste0("prefix_", .x, recycle0 =TRUE), starts_with("nonexistent") )#> # A tibble: 150 × 5#> Sepal.Length ...
#' @param .fn A function used to transform the selected `.cols`. Should #' return a character vector the same length as the input. #' @param .cols <[`tidy-select`][dplyr_tidy_select]> Columns to rename; #' defaults to all columns. rename_with <- function(.data, .fn, .cols =...
Further Reading Change Row Names of Data Frame or Matrix select & rename R Functions of dplyr Package Subsetting Data Frame in R The length Function in R The ncol R Function NA Values in R The R Programming Language
But wouldn't it be better to have an specific function with a better syntax (more legible)?Member gorcha commented Sep 12, 2016 Hey, using magrittr (from which dplyr borrows the %>%) it's possible to do this using the "Compound assignment pipe" operator (%<>%) in a very clean wa...
Using the rename function with pipes One of the advantages of working with the Tidyverse (the set of R packages includingdplyr,ggplot2,stringr, andtidyr) is that you can perform data manipulation in a "waterfall" pattern by using the pipe operator,%>%. ...
Note that the echo = FALSE parameter was added to the code chunk to prevent printing of the R...
加载dplyr包: 代码语言:txt 复制 library(dplyr) 使用rename_at函数来删除列名后缀。以下是使用rename_at函数的示例代码: 代码语言:txt 复制 new_df <- old_df %>% rename_at(vars(ends_with("_suffix")), ~gsub("_suffix$", "", .)) 上述代码中,old_df是原始数据框的名称,new_df是重命名后的数据...