part of Azure Active Directory Identity Governance. We have seen an explosion in collaboration growth over the past two years, both within and between organizations.While this growth has been great for productivity, it’s also expanded the likelihood that “stale” accounts—accoun...
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This article covers the recommendation to investigate unused applications. This recommendation is calledStaleAppsin the recommendations API in Microsoft Graph. Prerequisites There are different role requirements for viewing or updating a recommendation. Use the least-privileged role for the type of access ...
AD Forest Trust User Account AD FS Windows 2012 R2 exception occurred in service AD FS Windows 2012 R2: adfssrv hangs in starting mode AD group members disappearing AD group verses OU and sub-OUs: Why would you choose one over the other? AD Health Check AD Health Issues and NTDS Shadow ...
- [deadlinkchecker]( - Broken Link (URL) Checker to avoid stale content or lower SEO score. - [![](](#) - [Google lighthouse]( - Automated auditing, performan...
Without write-back capabilities, a stale set of attributes in AD for customers thatdon’thave a cloud-first strategy (but extensively use Microsoft 365) is dangerous enough that any advocates for simply cutting the link between an AD attribute for Exchange and the equivalent Azure AD attributes ...
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Compare two azure ad groups Compare two mailbox users directly in compare-object scriptblock compare two strings in if-then-else statement Compare two text files in Powershell and if a name is found in both files output content from file 2 to a 3rd text file Compare-Object : Cannot bind ...
What registry setting does "Enable automatic MDM enrollment using default Azure AD credentials" set What security policy blocks use of the "NET" command for non-Admin users? What should be the IP Address of Primary Domain and Secondary Domain Controller? whats the best way to map the network ...
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